just come right out and say it: Soul Calibur II is every bit as great
as everyone expected and it was well worth waiting for. It has been
four years since the first Soul Calibur appeared on the Dreamcast, and
in that time no other 3-D fighter has managed to top it in terms of
presentation, depth, and fun factor. Soul Calibur was the perfect
fighting game, and that is why it is understandable that Namco didnt
want to mess with the formula too much in Soul Calibur II. It follows
the standard sequel formula of better graphics, more characters, more
modes, more arenas, more moves, etc., but that is perfectly fine in
this case.
Calibur II is available for the PS2, GameCube, and Xbox, but this
review is only going to specifically cover the PS2 and GC versions.
The core gameplay is the same in all three versions, and it rocks, so
the 5/5 Im giving SCII could apply to the Xbox version as well. For
the most part, this review is going to be a general overview of what
makes Soul Calibur II good no matter what system you play it on, but
at the end Im going to do a little comparison between the two
versions I have: PS2 and GC.
Calibur II packs a ton of modes, and all of them are fun to play
through. There is the standard arcade mode where you fight through
several opponents and open up a little story sequence for your chosen
character. Other modes include time attack, survival, team battle, and
the very useful practice mode. Extra versions of these modes can also
be unlocked. The extra version of each mode allows you to use the
weapons you unlock in the Weapon Master mode while the normal version
of each mode requires you to use each characters standard
weapon.The Weapon Master mode allows you to buy or unlock new weapons,
costumes, and even new characters. In Weapon Master mode, you must
overcome special conditions as you progress through each area on a
map. Some matches take place on quicksand or ice while other matches
take place on platforms ranging from very big to very very small.
Other matches give you objectives you must complete in order to win.
For example, perhaps you can only do damage if you hit wall combos or
use Guard Break moves. There are also dungeons you have to fight
through, which consist of several matches against unknown opponents
under unknown conditions. There is a lot to the Weapon Master mode,
and there are tons of weapons and costumes to unlock. To open up
everything the game has to offer, as well as beat the arcade mode with
all of the characters, takes a good 20 hours. With practicing and just
playing through for fun and the thousands of multiplayer matches that
you are sure to have, Soul Calibur II has the potential to last you
for a really long time.
sets Soul Calibur II apart from other fighters is that it is both easy
for beginners to pick up and enjoy but it still offers enough depth to
keep hardcore fighting fans interested. Recent 3-D fighters lacked
this balance. Tekken 4 was great for novices but couldnt keep
experts interested for long. Virtua Fighter 4 (and Evo) was extremely
deep, even more so than SCII, but it was so unforgiving that it was
too hard for beginners or even average players to pick up. Soul
Calibur II strikes a delicate balance between ease of play and overall
depth, and that is why it is the better game out of the big three
that have been released over the last year or so.
key to Soul Caliburs success is that it manages to be both simple
and complex at the same time. There is one button for vertical
strikes, one button for horizontal strikes, one button for kicks, one
button to block, and one button to bring them all and in the darkness
bind them. Combining these buttons produces new tactics and adding in
directional movements gives you even more moves. It is possible to
play SCII with just basic attacks and throws and still be quite
successful. This makes the game fun for novices. They can pick up a
controller and get impressive results right away.
players that want to dig a little deeper into the SCII bag of tricks,
there are a multitude of tactics that you can use. First up is Guard
Impact. Pressing guard and forward or back at the right time will
parry your opponents attack and give you a second or so to launch
an attack of your own. Another tactic is to use the Soul Charge. This
adds a lot of power to your weapon, but you are vulnerable while it
charges. Using the 8-way run is another tactic that you can use, but
it isnt absolutely necessary. 8-way run allows you to move pretty
much anywhere you want in the arena. A great way to avoid attacks is
to simply try and step around them. The 8-way run also opens up new
attack possibilities as new moves become available if you attack from
the side or the back.
are more attacks and techniques to use, but to cover them all would
take days. Things such as buffering (being able to add in commands
between the commands of the move you want to perform so that human
opponents wont be able to see the telltale movements of, say, Ivys
Summon Suffering move), reverse Guard Impact, three different levels
of Soul Charge, air combos, wall jumps, and wall combos. The
characters all have different stances you can switch to that open up
loads of new moves as well. There is a lot to learn in Soul Calibur II
and all of the tactics are well worth learning for hardcore fighting
fans, but like I have said, it isnt necessary to know everything in
order to be successful. It is worth learning, however, and I highly
suggest using the practice mode so you can learn how to get the most
out of each character.
the 20+ characters, it is easy to find a character that suits your
style. Whether you like to engage in quick attacks, focus on defense,
use a lot of throws, or a combination of all of the above and more
SCII has a character that will match your style perfectly. Some
characters are harder to master, like my personal favorite Ivy, but
most characters are easy to learn and then the game simply becomes a
matter of applying the right tactics in the right situations. I sound
like a broken record, Im sure, but Soul Calibur II is a very user
friendly fighter and the variety of characters with different fighting
styles and all of the different ways that each person will figure out
to use them really make the game a lot of fun to play.
only complaints I have about SCII are all character related. Some
characters have a distinct advantage, so much so that youll dread
facing them in the arcade and Weapon Master modes. Raphael, Voldo, and
Ivy particularly stand out simply because the way the computer uses
them on any difficulty other than easy can only be described as cheap.
Those three stand out because the rest of the characters are so
balanced in comparison. Another complaint I have is that Necrid is a
lame character. He was designed by Todd McFarlane specifically for
SCII, but compared to the rest of the cast he just doesnt fit in.
He looks like he would be better off in a Mortal Kombat game than
amongst the ranks of the SC cast. Speaking of lame characters, the
console specific characters arent all that hot either, but Ill
get to that later.
Soul Calibur II is one of the finest looking games out there and
definitely the best looking fighter. The characters are all very
detailed, right down to their hair blowing in the wind or clothes
moving around realistically during combat. The arenas are also very
detailed and look great. Also, the special effects for charge up moves
look very good. Overall, the graphics are crisp and clear and look
gorgeous. Likewise, the sound is very well done. The music gives the
game an epic feel and it really fits well with the sort of medieval
theme of the game. The clang of metal against metal and the other
sounds of fighting have never sounded better. The characters all have
quite a bit to say as they taunt you during matches.
now for a bit of comparison between the PS2 and GC versions. The
biggest fear most people had about getting the GameCube version was
that the controller really doesnt seem like it would be that great
for a fighting game like Soul Calibur II. I can honestly say that once
you get used to it, the GC controller does an excellent job. I
actually prefer using the control stick rather than the D-pad so you
dont have to worry about using the GCs horrible little D-pad.
Once you get used to the button placement, the GC controller does a
fine job. Of course, the PS2s Dual Shock is easier to get used to
and might provide a slightly better experience depending on how you
like to play. Hitting your G+B throw is easier on a Dual Shock, simply
because pressing the B and Y buttons on the GC controller is rather
difficult, but it is easy enough to change the controls to your
liking. I assigned my throws to the shoulder buttons of the GC
controller, for example. The point Im trying to make is that you
shouldnt have to worry too much about the controller of the system
you want to buy SCII for. Both the Dual Shock and the GC controller do
an excellent job, so GameCube owners should have nothing to fear.
The only real differences between the
GameCube and PS2 versions of SCII lie in graphics and load times. The
graphics are slightly sharper on the GameCube, and the framerate on
the PS2 version stutters every once in a while, but it is something
that only happens once in a great while and you barely notice it. The
difference in load times between the two versions is something that
leans strongly in favor of the GameCube, as youd expect, but it
actually makes a big enough impact on the flow of the game that it
makes it hard to recommend the PS2 version over the GC version if you
own both consoles. Loading a match on the GC only takes a couple of
seconds. It is so fast, in fact, that you are usually already in the
arena before the pre-match taunt sound bytes are over. The PS2 version
takes considerably longer. The GC takes maybe three seconds to load
while the PS2 can take about ten. When comparing the two, the GC
version is just plain more fun because you can go from match to match
much quicker and attempting the same Weapon Master level over and over
again doesnt seem like such a pain.
Oh yeah, there is one more difference:
Link is in the GC version and Heihachi is in the PS2 version. For all
of the message board arguments over which version would be better
because it had a better exclusive character, I am sad to say Link and
Heihachi really, really suck. Links problem is that he has a bow
and arrow and boomerang and none of the other characters have
projectiles and that gives him an unfair advantage that the computer
will make use of every chance it gets. At least he looks freaking
awesome and his alternate weapons and costumes will make Legend of
Zelda fanboys (myself included) very happy. The PS2 versions
Heihachi doesnt have a similar advantage and is actually at quite
the disadvantage. He doesnt have a weapon and his reach is
miniscule, so he is pretty much useless. At least Link has a weapon
and look that fits in with the rest of the SC II characters. Heihachi
simply doesnt fit in. Even though Link can be a cheap projectile
firing bastard, he is still better than Heihachi.
So what version should you get? The
controls for the GC and PS2 version are both great, so put your fears
of using the GC pad behind you. It does a great job. The graphics and
load times are a bit better on the GC version, but unless you have
them running side by side you wont even notice. The only other
factor is which exclusive character you prefer because, lets face it,
everything else between the different versions is pretty much the
same. Seeing adult Link with realistic graphics is actually a pretty
awesome sight, and he proves to be a better fighter than Heihachi, so
I would say the GC version has the advantage here. My choice for the
superior version is the GC version. I would expect the Xbox version
has similarly fast load times and great graphics, so I would recommend
the GC or Xbox version over the PS2. The only thing the PS2 version
has going for it is the Namco demo disk that comes with it, but the
demos and trailers arent all that hot, Im afraid. No matter
which version you get, you are definitely getting one of the best
fighting games on the market and it is a game you can be proud to own.
Overall, Soul Calibur II is a great
game and it was well worth the wait. The graphics and sound are
spectacular, it controls like a dream no matter what system you have
it on, and it is flat out fun to play. The characters are well
designed and unique and you will probably find yourself choosing a
favorite character based on their personality rather than just their
moves. The game is easy enough for beginners to pick up and enjoy,
something that is very important because multiplayer matches make up a
big chunk of the playtime you have with any given fighter, unlike a
certain other fighting game that required hours of practice to really
enjoy. Soul Calibur II is the best 3-D fighter out there, not because
it is the deepest or has the most moves, but because it has the
ability to appeal to everyone. Whether you get it on PS2, Xbox, or
GameCube, you are in for a treat.
Qualls (09/05/2003) |