The new wave of platform gaming
is on its way. No, it isnt the totally altruistic and cute Mario Im talking
about. The game developers from Acclaim sat down with all of their favorite games and
tried to pin down the aspects that they loved about each. They then tried to decide what
the next step was for players who had cut their teeth on other platformers and what would
appeal to adults as well as children. The result is a game called Vexx, and although some
elements may be called "cute," it definitely brings a darker, deeper plotline to
this not-so-average platformer.
It is a tale of vengeance,
really. It begins on the planet Astara, where the Shadowwraith "Dark Yabu" and
his evil minions have swooped down from the heavens and wreaked havoc upon the denizens of
Rockhaven. They have enslaved some and killed others, and among the casualties is the
grandfather of a young character named Vexx. He is able to sneak aboard their windship,
and in the bowels he finds the last Astani battle gauntlets, which fuse to his arms and
give him special powers.
game has eighteen levels, featuring tree-canopy villages, caves, desert temples,
underwater cities, and deadly volcanoes. Day and night cycles with real time, and the
enemies and environments get harsher as the daylight fades. However, there are sundials
that can flip the time so you dont have to stay up late just to experience the
effect (and some levels require the switch to find special items, etc.) Clothes, hair and
trees respond to the environment for more realistic physics, and the graphics are lovely
and varied. I loved the elements of the sci-fi space saga interwoven with quaint village
life on the terrestrial side. Each level has multiple ways to achieve each objective and
the ability to climb on a variety of surfaces with your battle talons really opens up
options for moving throughout the environment.
I am
pleased that Vexxs movements are so varied, with leaps, rolls,
running/walking/sneaking, swimming, as well as climbing and using your talons to swing
across overhangs. You are also able to cancel/add moves midway through for more
"free-flowing" combos. What this means to the gamer is that you can double-leap
while simultaneously slashing with your talons, then leap the other way and grab on to a
wall or surface. Sounds fun, huh? The game controls easily, and although there are still a
few hiccups with the automatic camera, the game is smooth and very easy to pick up. There
are hint screens that can be displayed, and for younger gamers, some easier levels have
power balls to pick up (a la Sonic) that help lead you on the most direct path to your
goals. However, there are always other ways to get where youre going, and there are
hidden multi-player party games that you can unlock that give an added incentive to
I admit that theres nothing specifically new here , Vexxs combination of some
of the most effective elements from other great games is unique. Its a lot of fun to
play, and I think that some of the darker aspects and the addition of a real plot make it
a game that is going to be a crowd pleaser for adults as well as children (the rating is
still pending, but I think were safe saying this). Im excited about seeing the
rest of this game. Even if youve "been there, done that," youre
going to want to do it again with Vexx.