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Search for 'Unreal Tournament' returned 23 results.

Earn $200 Playing Guitar Hero 2 Saturday, August 11
game: Guitar Hero 2
news | 08/09/07 | Chris Martin
Ever dreamed of winning money for playing videogames? Ever dreamed you might be standing in front of thousands of adoring fans as you rip-it-up on a plastic guitar? I know I have! Live in the Los Angeles area? Then you might want to spend your weekend at the Sacred Fools Theater Company as they host a Guitar Hero 2 tournament, sponsored by RedOctane. Oh, did I mention first prize is $200?
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Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel Review
game: Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel
review | 07/10/06 | Laurie Taylor
The graphic novel has earned itself a standing as an independent art form over the years, and is now moving into the digital realm. Following in the footsteps of the Silent Hill Experience, Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel comes to the PSP under the banner of a new medium. Except, instead of just telling a good story in classic graphic novel form, the developers felt obligated to include uninteresting and tedious gameplay elements into the presentation. The result is promising, but less than perfect. Graphic novel fans should be excited about the potential, but for now the rich promise of digital graphic novels on the PSP remains unrealized.
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Pre-E3: Unreal Tournament 2007
game: Unreal Tournament 2007
preview | 05/08/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Unreal Tournament has a reputation that obviously precedes itself. Now we\'re all on pins and needles about the next generation of Tournament with UT 2007 and Blaine has the lowdown on what we\'re expecting, what we\'re guessing, and what we hope the next Unreal will feature. We have more on the future of frag right here.
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Talking About a Million Dollars: SkillJam's Casual Gaming Championship
game: SkillJam.com
interview | 04/08/06 | Shawn Rider
SkillJam offers cash-prize tournaments for casual gamers competing in titles like Bejeweled, Solitaire and Zuma. In fact, SkillJam offers many more games, but playing these three could earn you a ticket to LA and a chance to win a million dollar prize on national television. We got a chance to talk with SkillJam President, Paul Jensen, about what makes a casual game, a casual gamer, and a million dollar competition. Check out the interview here.
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Free Xbox Live Gold, Prizes This Weekend
game: Xbox Live
news | 03/27/06 | Shawn Rider
This weekend (March 31-April 2) Microsoft is teaming up with Verizon Wireless to open up Xbox Live Gold for all Xbox 360 owners. In addition to the free Gold-level multiplayer online games, Microsoft has set up three days of contests and tournaments in Geometry Wars, Project Gotham Racing 3, Fight Night Round 3 and more. Get more details here.
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Greg Hastings? Tournament Paintball Max?d Review
game: Greg Hastings? Tournament Paintball Max?d
review | 03/23/06 | George Holomshek
Greg Hastings\' Tournament Paintball Max\'d brings all the splatter-y excitement of the paintball arena to the Nintendo DS. First-person shooters are always popular, and the paintball games have been appreciated by parents who aren\'t comfortable blowing up their kids into meaty chunks, but still want to play some fun virtual tag. So George was excited to try out GHTP Max\'d on his favorite handheld. The verdict? Well, you\'ll have to read the review for that.
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Unreal Tournament 2007 Screens
game: Unreal Tournament 2007
news | 01/23/06 | Shawn Rider
Unreal Tournament 2007 serves two purposes: It continues the tradition of cyber-athletic quality FPS gaming, and it showcases the amazingly beautiful Unreal 3 engine,in development now from Epic Games. Evolutionary is the word for UT 2007: The graphics are better, the vehicles are bigger, and the online multiplayer is even more insane. Check out this quick preview and these amazingly beautiful screenshots for more.
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Chronicles of Spellborn Preview
game: The Chronicles of Spellborn: What Lies Hidden Must Be Found
preview | 12/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Developed by a Dutch group of designers, The Chronicles of Spellborn uses the Unreal 2.5 Engine to bring a unique fantasy world to life. The Chronicles of Spellborn is an MMORPG with a unique visual style that is quite appealing. The game focuses on skill and intelligent use of force, which puts even lower level players on a good footing for adventure, and player actions shape the world, which even allows players to make a permanent lasting mark on the world. The Chronicles of Spellborn offers loads of secrets to uncover-- fitting the subtitle, \"What lies hidden must be found.\"
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Too Human Announced
game: Too Human
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Eternal Darkness developer, Silicon Knights, is working on a first-party game for Microsoft Game Studios. Too Human is an \"epic action game\" (read: the first of a planned trilogy) in which players assume the role of the Cybernetic God Baldur, who must defend humanity from a group of monstrous war machines who don\'t play well with others. Powered by Unreal Engine 3, this one is already looking good, and with the reputation Silicon Knights has for creating great, story-driven action games, we have very high hopes for this title. Keep an eye out for Too Human to release in Fall 2006.
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Brand New Gears of War Screens
game: Gears of War
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Gears of War is the new shooter from Cliffy B and the crew at Epic that\'s got everyone going, \"Damn!\" The visuals here are absolutely incredible, from the dirty textures of a wartorn humanity pitted against monstrous enemies from the bowels of the Earth, to the delicate lighting effects that challenge the greatest cinematographers and most sensitive painterly visions. We can only hope that the gameplay and story live up to the huge graphical promise of Unreal Engine 3. Check out these screens for a real idea of what the Xbox 360 can do.
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Gears of War Screens
game: Gears of War
news | 09/07/05 | Shawn Rider
Epic Games has been turning heads with Gears of War, the highly anticipated Xbox 360 title built on the next-gen Unreal Engine. Gears is a gorgeous sight to behold, and we\'re excited to have a few new screens to share with you. Check them out, and then check out our back-room E3 preview of Gears of War.
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Epic Games Comments on the Xbox 360 Hard Drive
editorial | 09/03/05 | Aaron Stanton
Our man Aaron addresses the issue of whether or not to buy an Xbox 360 with a hard drive or without. After some recent comments from Epic about the Unreal Engine, it looks like the debate is still very much on. If you are not a current Xbox owner, or if you don\'t care much about Xbox Live and playing old Xbox games, then you definitely need to check out Aaron\'s analysis here.
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Bet On Soldier Goes Gold
game: Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport
news | 08/31/05 | Shawn Rider
Bet On Soldier: Blood Sport takes a high energy FPS starting point and amps it up with some novel approaches to multiplayer gameplay. In BOS, you live and die by your victories, and this war isn\'t waged for peace or freedom; this war is waged for ratings and money. UK gamers will be enjoying Bet On Soldier for PC in a few short weeks, and hopefully we\'ll get to check it out so we can know whether or not to riot in the streets until it comes to the US.
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E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
game: E3 2005: Hands-on With Gears of War
preview | 05/24/05 | Aaron Stanton
One of the more polished games shown for the Xbox 360 at E3 2005, Gears of War is an over-the-shoulder shooter with a style reminiscent of Brute Force, only fun to play. While the world was wondering what the next generation titles would look like, screens from Gears of War have been on the Internet since E3 2004, when they were shown off under a different name for an Unreal 3 engine demonstration. Now we get to see more details about how the game plays as Aaron checks out the title behind closed doors.
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Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
game: Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament
review | 10/24/04 | Eric Qualls
Yu Yu Hakusho is a lot like Dragon Ball Z. The main difference is that there is a whole lot more fighting and a lot less screaming about power levels in Yu Yu Hakusho. Both series focus on groups of powerful fighters taking on all comers...
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