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PSP 2.0 Firmware Homebrew Loader Released
game: EBoot Loader v0.7
posted by: Shawn Rider
developer: Fanjita
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date posted: 10:13 AM Wed Oct 26th, 2005
last revision: 10:13 AM Wed Oct 26th, 2005

Click to read.A developer known as Fanjita has released a version 2.0 homebrew loader for PSP, which brings Sony vs. The Hackers pretty much even again: Now, you can load your PSP up with the latest games (which are requiring you to have version 2.0 firmware) and you can play your homebrew games, applications and emulators. Plus, you get the new version 2.0 features including the much-appreciated web browser. But don\'t go jamming that X-Men Legends 2 UMD in your machine and update all willy-nilly. There\'s a method to upgrading your PSP.

There are versions above 2.0 available for the PSP now, so it\'s not necessarily a good idea to upgrade from the latest game you just bought (GTA: Liberty City Stories or X-Men Legends are the most likely candidates). Fortunately, you can download the 2.0 PSP Firmware from a reputable PSP homebrew/hacking site like PSPUpdates.com. Then, follow the instructions about how to manually upgrade the firmware of the PSP, provided by Sony here.

Once you\'ve upgraded to the version 2.0 firmware (not 2.01 or 2.50), you can run the 2.0 Eboot Loader. This program allows you to run homebrew applications, indy games, and a wide variety of system emulators, making the PSP a pretty hot entertainment machine, even without a UMD in the slot. There is a list of which homebrew programs are currently compatible with the version 2.0 Eboot Loader on PSP Updates.

As with any firmware or unauthorized software usage, all of this experimentation comes with a massive \"At Your Own Risk\" caveat. Some malicious programs have been released that can ruin your PSP, and Sony does not condone any of these methods or any unauthorized software. Having made all that perfectly clear, gamers with ironclad stomachs and a burning desire to tweak, mod, overclock and optimize have a lot to explore in the world of PSP homebrew.

GF! has tested the method of updating firmware using a copy of the version 2.0 PSP firmware, according to the method described by Sony, and we confirm that it allows users to play PSP games which require at least 2.0 firmware. We have also tested several homebrew LUA applications, a text/pdf reader, and a couple of popular emulators with success. The 2.0 Firmware EBoot Loader 0.7 does have some drawbacks. The biggest issue is that you must reboot your PSP entirely after running a program, app, or emulator, which is a mild inconvenience.

Upgrading to 2.0 firmware for the PSP unlocks a number of new features officially supported by Sony: Playback of more audio file types (MP4 and WAV), the aforementioned web browser (which does a great job resizing most pages for viewing on PSP), viewing of more image file types (TIFF, BMP and PNG). Users can also now set an image to be used as a custom background on the PSP\'s system menu.

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