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Search for 'URU: Ages Beyond Myst' returned 104 results.

Pirates of the Burning Sea Goes Open Beta
game: Pirates of the Burning Sea
preview | 12/05/07 | Jamie Gergen
It\'s 1720 A.D. and the seas of the Carribean are the new battlefront for the powers of Europe. Pirates, Privateers, and Free Traders cruise the waters in search of their fortunes, while Navy ships of the line keep as much order as one can with fleets of Pirates sailing their dark colors from the mast. Like pages from a Patrick O\'Brien novel, Pirates of the Burning Sea brings the life on the sea to your computer with fantastic success.
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Gerstmann Allegedly Fired Over Kane and Lynch Review
game: Kane and Lynch
news | 11/30/07 | Chris Martin
If this is true, Gamespot will be allegedly losing one of it\'s finest reviewers over a ages2/934403.asp?q=kane%20%20lynch\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">critically mediocre game, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men.

Primotech stated yesterday that Jeff Gerstmann, 10 year veteran on Gamespot.com, has been fired.
According to a fellow Gamespot contributor and close friend of Gerstmann who wished to remain anonymous, the editor was fired Wednesday morning because of his negative review of the game, which he awarded a 6.0. Comparably speaking, Metacritic lists Kane and Lynch as currently having a 68% average from critics.

Although Primotech admits there might be other reasons for Gerstmann\'s leave, but as of now there have been no announcements by Gerstmann.
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PGR 4 Review
game: Project Gotham Racing 4
review | 10/24/07 | Chris Martin
Fans of racing games take note: Project Gotham Racing 4 is a dream come true--lots of exotic cars, tons of tracks, weather effects, Bulldog Mode, and a rock-solid career mode to boot. Oh yeah, and motorcycles. PGR4 might be working a gamer niche that is already supersaturated by the likes of Forza, PGR3, and Burnout. But it still manages, despite it\'s competition, to be a furiously enjoyable racer with more variety than it perhaps knows what to do with.
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Bungie Goes Independent, Microsoft Retains Halo
news | 10/05/07 | Chris Martin
There have been rumors aplenty since the explosive launch of Halo 3. The rumors pointed to the an \"insider\" who said Bungie and Microsoft will be parting ways, and that, as we just received word, is true. Bungie Studios will become an independents developer, although Microsoft will retain the rights to the Halo franchise, and Bungie will still be focusing mainly on Microsoft\'s platform. Quote Harold Ryan, Studio head for Bungie, \"We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft\'s platforms; we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios, and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through \'Halo\' and beyond.\"
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Kroes to Microsoft: 'I Will Not Tolerate Repeated Non-Compliance'
news | 09/18/07 | Chris Martin
While we here in Seattle get to watch the Mariners crumble in what was a pretty decent year, we also get front page Microsoft news, regularly. Today, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that the European Court of First Instance, in a move upholding key elements of the March 2004 European Commission Decision, declared the American company responsible for misusing it\'s Windows monopoly. Specifically, the company packages Windows Media Player with their Windows software, a la trojan horse, allowing market dominance of the software. Microsoft to EU court: \"the decision on the Media Player opens a dangerous precedent for other companies and sectors. Airbus should start worrying about adding new features to their planes.\"
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Halo 3 to feature 4 Player Co-Op, 2 New Characters to Join Previous Heroes
game: Halo 3
news | 08/01/07 | Chris Martin
I intentionally avoided, up until now, posting news about Halo 3 - pics notwithstanding - because, frankly, I don\'t care to learn about the levels or the neat gizmos the good Master Chief will be using this time around, ahead of time. They, to me, are spoilers. I am at the point where I just want to play the game for myself and be surprised. I am breaking my rule now because the latest news about Halo 3 steps beyond that broad line of \"developer hype.\" Today Bungie officially confirmed that Halo 3 will feature 4 player Co-op play over Xbox Live and System Link. It\'s that kind of important news that just needs to be boldface.
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Guitar Hero 2 Review
game: Guitar Hero 2
review | 04/29/07 | Chris Martin
Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox 360 introduces ten new songs, updates the PS2 graphics, and even revises some old songs in a very complete package. More than just a port, this version is a truly great and smart rethinking of the PlayStation 2 version. To determine how much enjoyment you will get out of either the face-melting new Xbox 360 version (or the old PS2 version, for that matter), you must wrestle with one of the most soul-bending questions of the ages: To Rock, or not to Rock? For those about to Rock, we salute you.
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Lost Planet Review
game: Lost Planet
review | 02/15/07 | Chris Martin
Capcom has been firing on all cyllinders when it comes to the Xbox 360 and gamers with that small white box could not be happier. Following their critically received efforts of Dead Rising, Lost Planet is a third-person shooter set on the fictitious ice-planet E.D.N. III where there are snow pirates around every corner and loads of alien Akrid. This unique IP blends a \"vastness\" found in sci-fi novels like Frank Herbert\'s Dune with an overly complex (the word would be: incomprehensible) storyline. What you get is an action-filled shooter that manages, once or twice, to even shoot itself in the foot.
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PS3 Backwards Compatibility Makes PS2 Games Look Terrible
game: Playstation 3
editorial | 12/14/06 | Aaron Stanton
The PS3 has not had an easy launch. While the mainstream media has been treating the system very MTV-like (with unquestioning adoration), Sony\'s street credit amongst the hardcore has been taking almost daily blows. From problems with HDTV support to shortages at launch, Sony just hasn\'t been getting the positive consumer response they probably wanted. Now, Joystiq.com is reporting on a YouTube video that highlights just how bad PS2 games look when run on the PS3\'s backwards compatibility. The side-by-side comparison video between a PS2 game running on the PS3 vs. an actual PS2 is really fairly stunning. The PS2 beats the PS3 hands down, and does so clearly enough that you don\'t have to be picky to notice the difference. Check out the article for more information.
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The Child's Play PS3 Gets a Second Chance
news | 11/30/06 | Aaron Stanton
GF editor Aaron Stanton has been trying to win a PS3 for charity from KISSFM 103.3. we\'re sad to say he didn\'t make it. But there\'s still a chance. One of the other contestants, Hollan, is considering donating the PS3 to Child\'s Play if he wins. So, if you want to help Penny Arcade auction off a PS3 that\'s been signed with personal messages by the developers of Microsoft (details on that in the article) all in the name of raising money for sick children in hospitals, you\'ve got to read this. We need to band together as gamers and make sure that Hollan wins this competition. We need him to win by a landslide. Go here and vote for Hollan. If you want to read more about what\'s going on, read this article here, and then go vote for Hollan. Before 4 o\'clock, December 1st, 2006.
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Dead Rising for Real in the Name of Child's Play
news | 11/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
In an odd and yet fortunate turn of events, GamesFirst editor Aaron Stanton has been invited to publicly humiliate himself for the sake of video games. By locking himself in a mall for 5 days he has a chance to win a PS3. If we can end up with a system in hand, we\'re going to go ahead and donate that sucker to Penny Arcade\'s Child\'s Play charity. But before we do that, we\'re going to try to get it signed by the last people on earth you\'d expect: Sony\'s rival Microsoft. We\'re taking it to Microsoft with an open invitation to the Xbox developers to sign the system with whatever personal messages they might have for Sony. It\'s just our little way to make the system a bit more of a collectors item before being auctioned away to raise money for sick children across the United States. But, before we can do even that, we need your help...
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Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave Review
game: Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave
review | 11/19/06 | Laurie Taylor
Her Interactive has been successful with their Nancy Drew series. Rather than trying to turn Nancy into some Lara Croft wannabe, the current line of Nancy Drew mystery games focus on adventures with compelling stories and inclusive content. These are games that make an effort to represent the real world in all its diversity and they privilege science and logic over mindless combat. That fresh perspective makes us forgive them somewhat for their gameplay hiccups. Get Laurie\'s full review here.
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Myst Online: Uru Live Screens On GameTap
game: Myst Online: Uru Live
preview | 11/08/06 | Chris Martin
Remember the online component to Uru: Ages Beyond Myst? It\'s back, and on GameTap! Coming this December, gamers will be able to explore the Ages of Uru in droves, allowing a whole new dynamic of puzzle solving gameplay that has yet to be implemented in anything but a MUD or PUD. Here are some screenshots from the upcoming game, things are looking good. Puzzle-solving good.
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Saint's Row Review
game: Saint's Row
review | 09/16/06 | Sean Hilliard
Saint\'s Row is unmistakably influenced by Grand Theft Auto, but it manages to improve on the GTA formula in certain aspects. And why not? It took Rockstar almost a decade to get gamers into airplanes for crying out loud. And this is the 21st Century! Shouldn\'t we be able to save without retreating to a hideout? And for all of everyone\'s talk about the GTA games being open-ended, free-roaming adventures, they\'re actually incredibly linear narratives constrained by Hollywood cliches. Join the free-roaming revolution and read Sean\'s review.
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That Retro Review: Myst
game: Myst
feature | 09/15/06 | Chris Martin
One of the most influential games of its era, Myst is a game where you can\'t die, you can\'t turn around (much) and you really can\'t walk away from its awesome puzzles. When it was released in 1993, it ushered in a new type of genre, the adventure-puzzle game, and became - for a time - the best selling game of all time! How does it stack up today? Has this adventure game aged like a fine Chardonnay or soured like milk? Chris has been to the Ages of Myst and back and has freed Atrus in this review of Myst!
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