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Search for 'Shadowbane' returned 2 results.

Shadowbane Preview (PC)
game: Shadowbane
preview | 07/01/02 | Aaron Stanton
Ubi Soft and Wolf Pack Studios have teamed up on a seriously ambitious MMORPG. Shadowbane promises to put players in control of a world and have that world stay interesting and dynamic. Impossible? Maybe. But playing characters with wings is pretty dang sweet. Click here for a thorough rundown.
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Shadowbane Calls for Beta Testers
news | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the cool new MMORPGs we saw at E3 this year was Shadowbane, in development by Wolf Pack Studios and coming later this year from Ubi Soft. We\'ll get around to a full preview soon, but those already in the know may want to head over and sign up for the beta test gearing up now. Get the details here.
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