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Search for 'Alone in the Dark' returned 76 results.

Get a Little Gore from Your PSP with God of War: Chains of Olympus
game: God of War: Chains of Olympus
review | 03/31/08 | Shawn Rider
Everyone\'s favorite bloodthirsty Spartan is back, and, as usual, he\'s pissed. In this prequel to the other two God of War titles, you\'ll help Kratos save the planet from eternal darkness. God of War: Chains of Olympus delivers the same insane action and impeccable quality of the previous PlayStation 2 editions, and that is an accomplishment for a title with both a brand new developer (the capable Ready at Dawn) and a brand new console. This is the best reason so far to blow the dust off your PSP. Check out our review.
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Pirates of the Burning Sea Goes Open Beta
game: Pirates of the Burning Sea
preview | 12/05/07 | Jamie Gergen
It\'s 1720 A.D. and the seas of the Carribean are the new battlefront for the powers of Europe. Pirates, Privateers, and Free Traders cruise the waters in search of their fortunes, while Navy ships of the line keep as much order as one can with fleets of Pirates sailing their dark colors from the mast. Like pages from a Patrick O\'Brien novel, Pirates of the Burning Sea brings the life on the sea to your computer with fantastic success.
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Entropia Universe: The Blurring of Reality and Fantasy
game: Entropia Universe
editorial | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
There\'s quiet a bit of talk these days about the new wave of online gaming. One of the most publicized is the notion of real-life economies where a person can make a living doing what they love most--gaming! But often times these games aren\'t really judged as a gaming experience and only get press for their entrepreneurial events. In an attempt to penetrate the \"real-deal\" of Entropia Universe, it is necessary to make the investment of time to discover its complexity and uniqueness.
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Interview with Marco Behrman, CIO of MindArk
game: Entropia Universe
interview | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
Alt-Reality games are so hot right now. Seriously. CIO of MindArk, developer of the Alt-reality game Entropia Universe took the time to talk to our own Monica Hafer and discuss what it takes to maintain and balance an alternate reality game and an alternate reality game economy.
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New The Darkness Demo On XBL - Mutilation Video
game: The Darkness
preview | 03/17/07 | Chris Martin
The Darkness is shaping up to be a must have game for not only fans of the Top Cow comic, but for fans of first person shooters. Blending supernatural elements and gunplay, The Darkness puts you in the shoes of Jackie Estacado, our resident anti-hero, as he seeks revenge on his father\'s murderer. The newest video is a montage of some new and old footage, and shows off the darkling powers and what makes them a force to be reckoned with.
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Online Negotiation Games by Zap Dramatic
review | 10/30/06 | Laurie Taylor
Zap Dramatic makes a unique series of games built around negotiating. In games such as \"The Raise\" and \"The Mediator,\" players must navigate through a complex social web, made more realistic by a touch of unpredictability and predictable limitations. Dialogue-oriented games are occasionally popular (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, for example), but often suffer from the good/bad, light side/dark side, oversimplification of games like Fable or Knights of the Old Republic. Laurie takes a look at some of the Zap Dramatic offerings in this group review.
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F.E.A.R. Goes to PS3, In Game Screens Jump Out of Dark Corner
game: F.E.A.R.
news | 08/17/06 | Chris Martin
First Encounter Assault Recon or F.E.A.R. hit the PC some time ago. It\'s scheduled for a November 1st release on the Xbox 360. Vivendi Universal has confirmed F.E.A.R. is coming to PS3 and we\'ve got the screens to prove it. Look for this awesome shooter to make it to the PS3 lineup during the PS3 launch window.
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From Software Cancels PS3 Titles?
news | 08/09/06 | Chris Martin
TVG reported today that that From Software, the developer responsible for Chromehounds on the Xbox 360, but better known for the Armored Core series, has told Famitsu they have stopped production on two games for the PS3: Dark RPG and Black Blade. Whether these titles would even have been released stateside is up in the air, From Software has not given reasons for stopping production (too difficult to develop for or higher production costs are notorious forum rumors).
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The Darkness Spreads To Comic-Con 2006
game: The Darkness
preview | 07/28/06 | Monica Hafer
For all of you comic book fans, a dark tale of sex and violence awaits in the form of the game, The Darkness. Based on the story of the anti-hero Jackie Estacado, this game is an FPS you won\'t want to miss that\'s slated for release in 2007 on the XBox 360 and PS3. Our correspondent Monica Hafer has met with the developers at Starbreeze and learned of the progress of this anticipated title.

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Brand New Darkness Screens Make Light of Game's Progress
game: The Darkness
news | 07/21/06 | Chris Martin
THe Darkness, adapted from the cult comic book from TopCow, was all but nonexistent from E3 2006 excepting, maybe, a trailer we\'d seen before. But never fear Darkness fans, because progress is being made and we\'ve got the screens to prove it. Inside are three high-rez pics straight from 2K Games.
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Shadowgrounds Preview
game: Shadowgrounds
preview | 03/03/06 | George Holomshek
Meridian 4 is bringing the European indy title Shadowgrounds to the US, and it\'s just the thing for folks looking for that classic feeling mixed with a little contemporary mayhem. Shadowgrounds is budget-priced and independently developed, but this isn\'t just another top-down shooter, and there\'s nothing \"low-tech\" about it. Featuring amazing lighting effects, hoards of enemies bent on carnage, and just perfect audio, Shadowgrounds is a creepy, tense, immersive experience. Check in with George\'s preview for more.
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Hoyle Gaming in Your Hand Lacks Key Ingredient: Fun
game: Hoyle Family TV Gaming System
review | 02/21/06 | Tristan Mayshark
TechnoSource has packaged 11 Hoyle games onto a controller that connects to your TV using RCA cables. Including classics like Mahjong, Backgammon, and Old Maid, this might sound like the ultimate Hoyle Family TV Gaming System. But with strictly single-player action, jank graphics, and terrible AI, this is probably a \"family\" activity best left alone. Get the full story in Tristan\'s review right here.
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Xbox 360 Hacked Using PSP?
game: Xbox 360
news | 12/24/05 | Shawn Rider
OpenXbox360 has posted a link to a YouTube video that supposedly shows a regular, retail version of the Xbox 360 playing an unsigned, burned copy of Perfect Dark Zero by using a hack that involved running some program on the PSP. No details about the hack or methods involved are known so far, and the video could easily be a fake. But it\'s a slow news day here on Xmas Eve, and it\'s a curious video. Check out the video for yourself, as well as the post on OpenXbox360, and keep an eye on this as the story develops.
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GamesFirst! Weekly Wrap-Up: Lucky Number 13
podcast | 12/16/05 | Val Townsend
Val Townsend, the Atomic Goddess, is back again with lucky podcast number 13. This week, we take a look at the latest news, including speculation on Nintendo\'s recently hinted \"secret\" regarding the upcoming Revolution console, as well as Clinton and Lieberman\'s Family Entertainment Protection Act. We also have reviews of Perfect Dark Zero and King Kong. Finally, we take a look at Dreamcatcher Interactive\'s cult-hit Painkiller, coming to an Xbox near you in January. Download the latest audio offering from your pals at GF! right here.
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Infected Review
game: Infected
review | 12/16/05 | Laurie Taylor
Majesco\'s Infected has been a highly anticipated PSP title around the GF! offices: It has a great features list that includes zombies (big bonus) and online multiplayer (bigger bonus) that allows you to \"infect\" other players with your personalized virus if you can beat them online (mindblowingly cool bonus). But features lists can only tell you so much. After a long time anticipating this title, we were excited to get our grubby little zombie-slaying hands on it. Laurie came up with a complete review that let\'s you know whether Infected is the next big thing or just a biohazard.
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