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Search for 'video game industry' returned 5 results.

BAFTA Announces the Britsh Academy Video Game Awards Winners
news | 10/06/06 | Chris Martin
It\'s about damn time the video game industry got a respectable awards ceremony (that\'s a big f#$%-you to Spike TV, by the way). BAFTA actually has given awards to games that deserve them. To all the development companies out there, who put so much hard work into their games, there\'s finally a way to give to them the honor and respect they deserve. This is truly a first step to viewing video games as an art form. This year, LocoRoco and Tom Clany\'s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter get their due, as do Lego Star Wars II: the Original Trilogy, Dr. Kawashima\'s Brain Training: How Old is Your Brain?, and The Movies, among others.
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The Revolution's Least Qualified Critic
game: Nintendo Revolution
editorial | 04/21/06 | Aaron Stanton
When Keita Takahashi, creator of Katamari Damacy, mentioned his dislike of Nintendo\'s controller emphasis in an interview with Gamesutra.com, it raised the eyebrow of at least one of our editors. Aaron Stanton takes a moment to reflect on the irony inherent in the maker of Katamari - a brilliant game with a terrible control scheme - criticizing Nintendo for paying too much attention to how a game should be interacted with. Takahashi has become known for holding himself separate from the rest of the video game industry, as well as being able to think outside the box, but there are some parts of Katamari that could have benefited from a little influence from the mainstream.
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The News of April Fool's Day
news | 04/01/06 | Aaron Stanton
April 1st is coming to an end, which means that news in the video game industry is about to become reliable again. April Fool\'s day is our industry\'s chance to have a little fun, and you\'ll be hard pressed to find a game site that hasn\'t indulged in a jokester post somewhere in its past. Any serious news that even has a hint of sensationalism will be held until the 2nd in favor of the bland or the fake; no one will believe any major announcement. We take a look at a few of our favorite jokes from this year, assuming they\'re all really jokes; with some ideas it can be hard to tell.
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Elitism in Gaming (and the business model that supports it)
Articles Archive | 06/14/05 | Monica Hafer
The growth of the video game industry and the acceptance of gaming into mainstream society has brought about both positives and negatives. Companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft drive technology forward, but how does that leave the small, independent developers that helped give this industry its footing? An interview with Stardock reveals that there's a lot of spunk left in the independent market, and perhaps a healthier business model than the one currently driving the big boys.
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twoplayer comic: Warning! We Cause Damage!
comic | 06/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
Warning! We Cause Damage! is another twoplayer comic examining the oddities of the video game industry. Even the FBI Warnings at the front of DVDs and movies are sometimes played with for the entertainment of the audience; you have to wonder if Nintendo is ever tempted to do something similar?

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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