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Search for 'rave' returned 36 results.

Halo 3 Review
game: Halo 3
review | 10/08/07 | Chris Martin
You\'ve been watching The Ticker, you\'ve seen the reviews, you\'ve been playing the game. Halo 3 has had a phenomenal launch, selling over 2 million copies in the first night of release. We\'ve taken the good Master Chief into the heart of the ark, killed hundreds of thousands of Covenant, and rescued Cortana from the clutches of the Gravemind. Now here\'s our review of the most anticipated videogame of 2007. Is Halo 3 still the reason to own an Xbox 360?
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A 'Rapturous' Hands-On
game: BioShock
preview | 08/15/07 | Chris Martin
We travel fathoms under the ocean to Rapture, a city built on the most basic of ideals: \"a man is entitled to the sweat from his brow.\" A dystopia, like all dystopias, are built to fail. We are not surprised then, when Rapture, brainchild of Andrew Ryan, takes on water (by the deciliters), and you\'re trapped right in the middle of it. Full impressions and expectations inside.
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Stuntman: Ignition Preview
game: Stuntman: Ignition
preview | 07/23/07 | Chris Martin
One of the under-the-radar games this year, THQ\'s Stuntman: Ignition, has us all excited. Whether it\'s the parody of big-budget action films, the balance of risk and reward, or the allure of string-combos, this game seems to have quite a lot to offer gamers. We took the stuntman\'s job for several hours in the Xbox Live demo of Stuntman: Ignition. We ran through burning buildings, shot down helicopters, and braved a hand-brake-less-reverse-one-eighty, and have big, big smiles to show for it. More inside!
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Folding@home Video Courtesy of GameDAILY
game: Folding@home
news | 04/19/07 | Chris Martin
Folding@Home is a project that has been undergoing some massive distribution on PCs and now on Sony\'s PS3. It\'s also had success with the program in understanding proteins. A clever use of the human element here, by distributing the program Scientists at Stanford University are trying to get everyone involved in the unravelling of human proteins.
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Avengers Assemble!: Marvel Ultimate Alliance Review
game: Marvel Ultimate Alliance
review | 11/15/06 | Matt James
Listen up, X-Men Legends fans, Matt\'s about to do you one better: Marvel Ultimate Alliance. With a roster that includes many of Marvel\'s top tier characters and improved gameplay, RPG elements, and graphics, this is a title you have to try. Captain America, Invisible Woman, Spider-man, Blade, Wolverine...can I say it? \"Avengers Assemble!\" Oh yeah.
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Nibris Unveils New Info and Screens for ?Raid Over the River?
game: Raid Over the River
news | 06/14/06 | George Holomshek
Polish developer Nibris spilled the beans on their upcoming Raid Over the River, an exclusive Nintendo DS and Wii two-part series. When archaeologists in Peru discover an ancient artifact, top-down aerial time-travelling combat ensues (as you probably expected). The game looks and sounds like a spiffed up River Raid, but this revamp includes the addition of touch-screen control elements (most of the game is played traditionally) and voice-activated special moves. The overblown storyline and funky control schemes could make this series one to watch. Get the full story from George, right here.
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Hands on with Enchanted Arms: Japan's First 360 RPG
game: Enchanted Arms
preview | 05/17/06 | Matt James
Enchanted Arms is one of the few Japanese-developed games coming to American Xbox 360s this year. Already out in the JP, we know it\'s a solid RPG with traditional elements and sparkly graphics. But can it offer up that something special that Xbox owners crave? Our man, Matt James, took on the great golems of Enchanted Arms, and he did fare well (although not so well at getting a chuckle out of those stoic From Software reps). Check out the full preview here.
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Reporting from NAB in Vegas
feature | 05/15/06 | Monica Hafer
Ever wonder what\'s new in the world of broadcasting technology? The National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas features not only the latest in radio and television broadcasting and technology, but also the newest items in Film, DVD, and multi-media. Monica braved the gauntlet of vendors in Vegas to bring you a few of her favorite things relating to both film and videogaming technology.
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A Day With Nintendo and Hands-On With Super Mario Galaxy
preview | 05/11/06 | Chris Martin
It was quite a day at the Nintendo booth at E3 today. With 27 titles, along with the Wii itself to be seen inside the fortress of a booth Nintendo had built, demand was high and lines were long. How long, you ask? Try a line of people with enough manpower that, if they wanted to, could have marched across the hall and held most of the Sony booth hostage. And while this mass of humanity deterred most of the GamesFirst! crew until tomorrow, our man Chris decided to brave the storm. Not only did he manage to come back alive, he even brought back an amusing story and some impressions of Mario\'s latest adventure.
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In Search of a Cure for Vampirism in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
game: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
how-to | 04/18/06 | Chris Martin
Oblivion is one of the first games to really be a system seller for the Xbox 360 (that is, if you can find a 360). One of the quirks of the game is the ability to contract diseases - more specifically, you can contract Vampirism. The quest for a cure is one of the longest and most complicated of Oblivion, and also one of the most interesting. You\'ll find yourself weighing the trade-off between huge stat-bounces and the ability to withstand sunlight and quick-travel between towns. If you\'re a little confused about what Vampirism does for you, does against you, and how to cure it, Chris Martin\'s guide to curing vampirism is for you.
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Super Mario Prank Threatens Homeland Security
editorial | 04/03/06 | Shawn Rider
Five girls from Ravenna, Ohio face possible charges for hanging up Super Mario Bros. question cubes around town on April Fools day. Part of a Net-wide phenomenon, hanging SMB cubes is a very cool thing. How surreal would it be to happen upon these things in real life? Apparently too surreal for the citizens of Ravenna, who called out the hazardous materials unit and the bomb squad to remove the boxes. Of course, we always knew Ohio had issues (that last election didn\'t go so well...). Get Shawn\'s reaction here.
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Crave Entertainment Loses a Vice President and Friend; Memorial Held Today
news | 02/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
Sometimes the human elements of the industry are the hardest to report, and the most important not to miss. Mark VanDeVelde, a Vice President at Crave Entertainment and an industry veteran, passed away last Saturday, February 18th. The memorial service will be held today, and a scholarship fund has been established for Mark\'s 11-year-old daughter. While the chance is small that this news will impact the average gamer on a day-to-day level, sometimes we have to care simply because we know that someone else is fundamentally affected by such changes. It says something about Crave Entertainment that they felt it was important to share the loss, and our condolences go to Mark\'s family. We are genuinely saddened for you, and we can only imagine how difficult a time this must be. You have our best.
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Preview - Lula 3D
game: Lula 3D
preview | 02/08/06 | George Holomshek
Lula 3D is an early release in the coming wave of adult-oriented semi-mainstream games. Featuring a wacky adventure story and gameplay, not unlike the Leisure Suit Larry series, Lula 3D put gamers in the role of Lula, a porn director who must solve the mystery of her missing stars. Follow Lula on a trail of clues that will have her traversing America in search of porn stars and lewd humor. George is on top of this one, so to speak, and offers up this complete preview.
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Pinball Hall of Fame Review
game: Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
review | 01/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Crave has delivered a really great pinball collection to the PSP. Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection features over a dozen classic Gottlieb pinball tables and arcade miscellany, all simulated in loving detail. This is a portable gaming pinball fan\'s dream come true, and it even allows you to serve out pinball games wirelessly to other PSPs. That means wireless multiplayer for all from a single UMD. If you like the pinball action, check this one out.
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Quake 4 Review
game: Quake 4
review | 12/21/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Quake 4 arrives on the Xbox 360 and all of its next-gen processing glory and gore. Built on the Doom 3 engine for super-hot graphical prowess, this time out ye olde Quake features both a single-player Strogg hunting single-player story and the intense arena action we\'ve come to expect from the series. But can a few Halo-like improvements rocket-jump Quake 4 to the top of your holiday wishlist? Check Jeremy\'s review to find out.
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