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Search for 'conference' returned 18 results.

Going to the National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy
news | 10/11/06 | Aaron Stanton
The National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Policy is being held in Minnesota on October 20th and October 21st. The conference is sponsored by Iowa State University and the National Institute on Media and the Family, a group that\'s known for being critical of the game industry in the past. Will the event be hostile to pro-game journalists that have actively criticized the research of some of its speakers? Possibly. Are we going anyway? Absolutely. With a issues like The Truth in Video Game Ratings Act in Congress, I can\'t think of a better place for our industry\'s attention to fall.
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New Video of Alan Wake Surfaces, Hints at Gameplay
game: Alan Wake
news | 09/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s been months since we\'ve heard anything from Remedy about Alan Wake, the survival horror exclusive for the Xbox 360 and PC. Now, Remedy has tipped a bit of their hand again, showing some footage of their upcoming title at an Intel press conference. Much of the footage is more of what we\'ve already seen, but also the very first hints of what gameplay will look like. It\'s worth checking out, if anything just to see how they\'ve been playing with their physics since E3 2005.
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Xbox Can Blog: 360Voice and the Internet of Things
game: Xbox 360
feature | 05/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Last March at the O\'Reilly Emerging Tech Conference, Bruce Sterling spoke about the concept of \"blogjects\"-- objects that generate data about their use and existence across space and time. What does that have to do with games? Two programmers have taken the concept, combined it with the Xbox Live game data feed generated by Xbox 360s everywhere, and have created a service that allows your Xbox to blog. Check out our coverage here.
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Wil Wright's Spore Presentation on Google Video
game: Spore
news | 03/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Wil Wright gave a presentation at last year\'s Game Developer\'s Conference of his new title, Spore. The video of that presenation has been around for some time now, but it was often low quality or hard to find. Now the video has been posted on Google Video, and it is available for viewing in a variety of ways. This is something that shouldn\'t be missed: Spore is set to become one of the defining moments in gaming history. Check out the video here.
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Nintendo Announces DS Web Browser and TV Software
game: Nintendo DS
news | 02/17/06 | George Holomshek
Nintendo has steadily been releasing details about upcoming products and services that have us wondering if Big N could be the big success story of 2006. The latest news comes from a Japanese press conference in which Nintendo announced a partnership with Opera to bring a web browser to Japanese versions of the Nintendo DS. In addition to the new Internet feature, the DS will also receive broadcast TV capabilities in Japan. Of course, we\'re wondering: When will these features come to the US? George has more details here.
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Women in Games International Announces Keynote Speaker
news | 02/02/06 | Laurie Taylor
Women in Games International, a non-profit organization in the interactive entertainment industry, today announced their keynote speaker for their next conference, Women in Games International-San Francisco. Robin Harper, SVP of Community and Support for Linden Lab, will present \"From the Virtual to the Real: How Second Life created an online world and community that strongly appeals to women, and how the virtual world has changed the real life of women participants.\"
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Sex in Video Games Conference This Summer
news | 01/12/06 | Shawn Rider
The Sex in Video Games Conference will be held in San Francisco June 8-9 at the Nob Hill Masonic Center, San Francisco, CA. The conference theme is \"Exploring the Business of Digital Erotic Entertainment,\" which sounds totally not sexy to us. But the conference gains clout thanks to the involvement of Brenda Brathwaite, Game Designer and Founder and Chair of the International Game Developers Association\'s Sexuality SIG. If you\'ve got a vested (read: business) interest in the future of adult erotic interactive entertainment, then this is the place to go. It should be more scandalous than E3.
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Women in Games International Conference: Industry Leaders Discuss Hot Career Topics
news | 12/07/05 | Laurie Taylor
Women in Games International, a non-profit organization in the interactive entertainment industry, today announced their next conference, Women in Games International-San Francisco, titled \"Games for Women, Games by Women.\" Scheduled on Saturday, February 18 from 1 pm to 6 pm at the Fort Mason Conference Center in San Francisco, this conference addresses the myth that women don\'t \"do\" games by discussing statistics, game genres and careers in game development. Check out the full story for the complete announcement about this conference.
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Miyamoto Hiding More Revolution Secrets?
game: Revolution
news | 12/06/05 | George Holomshek
At a recent appearance in front of Japan\'s Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference, famed Nintendo game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, stunned the audience with a single comment about the upcoming Nintendo Revolution: \"There\'s another secret.\" Miyamoto offered no further explanation, but the last secret Nintendo had kept from us was the Revolution\'s controller, and that was undoubtedly huge news. So what else could Nintendo have up their sleeve? George gathers the scant details and tries to put together some theories right here.
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Revolution Coming in May? With a New Name?
game: Nintendo Revolution
news | 11/28/05 | Shawn Rider
The Revolution is shaping up to be a phenomenal console, what with built-in emulation for every previous Nintendo console, downloadable retro games, online gaming, and a unique controller that has spawned huge debates about the future of gaming. Kotaku has gotten the early word on Nintendo\'s E3 Press Conference, which will be held May 9, 2006. The letter from Nintendo refers to \"our next home console, code-named Revolution,\" which has us wondering if we won\'t hear about the long-rumored console name-change. In addition, Kotaku points us to an article on Revolution Report about a patent application that defines an interface not unlike the Xbox Dashboard. Click on over and get the advanced word. We\'ll follow all of these assertions as details unfold.
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twoplayer comic: How to Advertise to Women
comic | 09/11/05 | Aaron Stanton
On September 10th, 2005 the Women in Games International Conference took place in Redmond, Washington at the Microsoft Campus. It was both interesting and informative, and it\'s a pity that there are not more conferences like it; this is a step in the right direction for diversity in the game industry. GamesFirst will have more coverage of the conference later on, but in the mean time we couldn\'t help but include a comic reference. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic, How to Advertise to Women. Too many advertisers seem to take this comic to heart.

twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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Women in Games International Announces Conference in Seattle
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
Women in Games International is a recently-formed organization aimed at addressing the growing demand around the world for the involvement of women in game development and the gaming industry. Their first gathering has been set for September 10, in Seattle, WA, and will feature a diverse array of speakers. Read on for the official press release.
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Games for Health Conference Coming Up
news | 08/12/05 | Shawn Rider
Games and Health -- a natural pairing for a rowsing intellectual conference.The Second Annual Games for Health Conference is happening in Baltimore, MD September 22-23, 2005. Find out more here.
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The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
game: The PlayStation 3: Stats and Impressions
preview | 05/18/05 | Chris Martin
Sony Computer Entertainment revealed their third incarnation of the PlayStation console at their press conference Monday. It's lean, mean, and coming in 2006.
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twoplayer comic: It Does Everything!
comic | 05/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
This morning\'s twoplayer hits on my main focus of the day, which is Nintendo\'s press conference. We\'ve already seen glimpses of Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, and now we know more about the PS3; the big mystery that remains is the Nintendo Revolution. Be sure to check out today\'s twoplayer, It Does Everything!

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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