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Search for 'Xbox Next' returned 3 results.

Painkiller Headed for Xbox
game: Painkiller: Hell Wars
preview | 12/06/05 | Tristan Mayshark
Painkiller is headed from the PC to the Xbox next January, and it has survived the transition nearly unscathed. This is good for Xbox owners who have not yet made the jump to the 360, as well as anyone looking for a nice diversion during the Winter doldrums of 2006. Painkiller: Hell Wars puts players into a fast and furious FPS carnage fest, and Tristan has the hands-on experience to compare this to the cult hit released last year for PC.
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A 2nd (and better) Xbox 360 Unveiling
Articles Archive | 05/13/05 | Aaron Stanton
The MTV Xbox 360 unveiling that took place last night was a bit of a let-down for most of us here at GamesFirst. The show was catchy, with lots of scene cuts, music, and cheering crowds, but revealed almost nothing about the actual system. While it confirmed a few rumors that have been floating around, it didn't do much else, and every picture of the system came and went too fast to get a good look. There's another Xbox 360 unveiling video though, and it's available on the web. This second video is well put together and offers a better look at the actual system.
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - An Interview with Bethesda Softworks
game: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - An Interview with Bethesda Softworks
preview | 03/09/05 | Chris Martin
Elder Scrolls III was one of the most expansive and impressive games every to hit the Xbox or PC, or any game system, for that matter. With a gigantic world, almost never-ending gameplay, and a game dynamic that changed depending on what type of character you had, it set a new standard for game design. Its sequel, appearing on the PC and Xbox NEXT, looks to make Elder Scrolls III appear about as wide open as your bedroom closet, offering an even larger map, more complicated non-player characters, individual faces for each NPC, and a whole host of other improvements. Plus, it\'s going to be one of the most breathtaking experiences you\'ve ever had on a game console; it looks awesome. Our man Chris has a chance to sit down with Bethesda Softworks\' producer Gavin Carter to ask a few questions about the upcoming game. The answers left us awe-inspired.
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