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Search for 'N64' returned 15 results.

BioShock BioShock BioShock Bioshock...BioShock!
game: BioShock
news | 08/29/07 | Chris Martin
Tired of news about BioShock? We hear you. While our review is still baking in the oven, getting crispy on the edges, we came across a neat little factoid for all you fans of the old jest: \"My game is better, ha, ha!\" For it appears that BioShock not only has become critically received as one of the best games of all time, not only this year. According to www.Gamerankings.com, Bioshock has supplanted Resident Evil 4 in the #4 highest ranked game of all time, just below The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64), Soul Calibur (DC), and Metroid Prime (GC).
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Federal Judge Ronald Whyte Delcares California 'Violent Video Game Act' Unconstitutional
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
Another attempt by yet another state of the union to pass an unconstitutional bill prohibiting the sale of \'violent\' videogames to minors has been squashed.

The bill, which would have imposed a $1000 dollar fine on any retailer if they sold a violent video game to minors, has before now seen preliminary injunction in late 2005, otherwise it would have gone into effect January 1, 2006. Since then the bill was pending investigation...
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Treasure's Gems: A History of Action Gaming
feature | 02/20/06 | RJ Brooks
They are one of the often unsung heroes of the game development industry. But the consistently high quality of titles has proven numerous times why Treasure is one of the best game development houses in existence. With such fan classics as Gunstar Heroes and Astro Boy in their library, Treasure\'s games have created a rabid fanbase of twitch gamers and import junkies. Our man, Robert Brooks, has a retrospective of Treasure\'s games along with five classic retro reviews, each going live over the next week. Check it out here.
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EA Brings Battle to the Xbox 360
game: The Battle for Middle Earth II
news | 01/19/06 | Shawn Rider
EA has announced that they will bring their fantasy strategy title, The Battle for Middle Earth 2 to Xbox 360. The Battle for Middle Earth 2 comes out for PC in February, building on the success of the original. The Xbox 360 version will see a revamp to suit the console controller and will feature Xbox Live multiplayer, bringing serious strategy gaming to the home console for the first time. (No, we\'re not going to count Starcraft for N64 as a legitimate effort.)
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Perfect Dark Zero Review
game: Perfect Dark Zero
review | 11/23/05 | Jeremy Kauffman
Joanna Dark finally makes her return on the Xbox 360 in the long awaited prequel, Perfect Dark Zero. Joanna is younger, hipper and has a few new tricks up her sleeve, but she also has a serious sophomore hill to climb: Perfect Dark was one of the genre-defining console FPS games on the N64 and gained a dedicated following. And in the new generation, comparisons to Halo are inevitable. Can PDZ manage to satisfy both the old school N64 fans and those expecting a next-generation marvel? Read and see.
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Kameo Backstory Revealed in Podcasts
game: Kameo: Elements of Power
news | 11/09/05 | Shawn Rider
Each week for the next two months, Rare will release a chapter of the Kameo backstory in podcast format. Get your podcatchers all tuned up and point them to the feed, which you\'ll find at http://www.kameo.com posted up for your free download and enjoyment. Kameo, of course, is the long-awaited fantasy action game from legendary developer Rare, which was first seen on N64, moved to GameCube, and will finally see a release as a first-party Xbox 360 launch title. In Kameo you play a shapeshifting faerie who morphs into different tough guy fighters as needed. Check out our previous coverage for more, and get the podcast for the complete backstory.
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Super Mario World Level Editor: Build Yourself Some Old School
game: Lunar Magic
news | 11/02/05 | Aaron Stanton
Is there room on a gaming site for news that\'s not exactly new? We think so. Sometimes things that are old are still cool, even if they\'ve slumped a bit below the radar in recent years. The N64 modding community is an excellent example; modders online have been updating old N64 ROMS for years, including replacing old textures with high resolution images, cell-shaded graphics, and other nifty treats. Around for a while or not, Zelda: Ocarina of Time is still cool in our book, especially in high rez. In the same vein, if you\'re looking for something to drain away your time, check out Lunar Magic, a level editor for the SuperNES title Super Mario World. Yeah, it\'s been around for a while, but if you\'ve never seen it, it\'s new to you.
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Finally Some Real Perfect Dark Zero Screens
game: Perfect Dark Zero
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Microsoft has been holding out on pretty much all info about Perfect Dark Zero. They know the game has a rabid fanbase thanks to the massive cult success of its N64 predecessor, and they know we\'ll all just lap at any little dribble of PDZ-oriented love we can find. So here we are: Finally we\'ve got a load of new screens to share, fresh out of Amsterdam where Microsoft hosts its annual European Xbox showcase. Check out the latest shots here.
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Kameo Screens From X05
game: Kameo: Elements of Power
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Rare\'s long-in-development Kameo: Elements of Power has made gamers oddly curious for over half a decade now. We\'re curious about the great graphics, lush game world, Xbox Live multiplayer, and, of course, Rare\'s reputation for delivering great titles. But it\'s odd because the game has been in development since it first debuted on N64, then moved to GameCube, and finally will land on Xbox 360 this Fall. Historically, such business shenanigans are not good for a game. We\'ll find out this Fall when we finally get our hands on Kameo: Elements of Power. In the meantime, here are some new screens.
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Conker Live & Reloaded
game: Conker Live & Reloaded
review | 08/15/05 | Laurie Taylor
Conker was pretty much mindblowing when it came out for the N64. Of course, that was back in the day when GTA looked a lot like playing with Matchbox cars. Now that the gratuituous naughty humor is a bit more common in gaming, how does everyone\'s favorite raunchy squirrel hold up? Check Laurie\'s review for more.
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Conker: Live & Reloaded
game: Conker: Live & Reloaded
preview | 12/26/04 | Chris Martin
The trash-talkin', poo-whompin', Tediz slaughterin' squirrel is back. Conker: Live and Reloaded is the Xbox update of one of the best platformers for the N64. And although we loved the game on the N64, it's a little hard to imagine Rare spending the time to bring the same game out again on the Xbox. So let's take a hands-on look at the game with our man, Chris, to see just what we can expect, and get a better idea if this game should elicit a big sigh, or a big squeal.
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Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
game: Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
review | 11/10/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Everything old is new again. That seems to be the motto of late, and that's not always a bad thing, but it is a risky venture. Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, is the latest offering in the stellar N64 series of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie“this time on the GBA. Delivering remarkable gamepaly and remaining incredible faithful to the old, this is one port that rocks“while it lasts. Peek through the window of the house that Rare built right here.
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Star Fox Adventures Preview (GC)
game: Star Fox Adventures
review | 07/01/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The high-flying, dogfighting, cuddly, fuzzy savior of the galaxy is back, and this time on a planet of dinosaurs. Star Fox Adventures has a steamy and sordid past -- brief fling with the N64, merged with a dinosaur game -- but from what we\'ve seen the finished product looks like it just might work. Lube up that Arwing. Click here.
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Nintendo Gamecube Info Roundup
Articles Archive | 05/20/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
While there were many points of interest at E3 this year, the most consistently really crowded booth was Nintendo's, where gamers flocked, nay swarmed, to see the GameCube. For those skeptics out there who think the general mediocrity of the N64 experience has soured gamers, witness the intense interest shown for the new system. Let's face it, the N64 has suffered from a general lack of titles, and some companies have released really terrible games for it, further causing pain to gamers who have been forced to pursue the "any port in a storm" strategy (Big Mountain 2000 comes to mind, er, flashes painfully across my memory). However, there have been some very good titles, and it's no mistake that the best titles on the system have been made by Nintendo and it's 2nd party developer, Rare. Nintendo is, in many ways, the Disney of the gaming world “ they have created and continue to create incredibly popular and lasting characters, who appear in all sorts of games and have firmly lodged themselves in the hearts of mainstream USA (as well as mainstream everywhere else).

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Nintendo Announces Gamecube and Gameboy Advance
Articles Archive | 08/27/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Just when we were ready to count Nintendo out of the running they jump back into the arena with guns blazing. At Spaceworld in Japan this past week Nintendo unveiled the GameCube, their latest bid for the home console market. The colorful cubes look like the next generation in gaming, at least from the outside. The GameCube's most striking feature wasn't the neon colors or its shape, but the controller. It appears to be an odd mix of the N64 controller and Sony's Dual Shock controller with a completely new approach to buttons.
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