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Search for '2005' returned 60 results.

Federal Judge Ronald Whyte Delcares California 'Violent Video Game Act' Unconstitutional
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
Another attempt by yet another state of the union to pass an unconstitutional bill prohibiting the sale of \'violent\' videogames to minors has been squashed.

The bill, which would have imposed a $1000 dollar fine on any retailer if they sold a violent video game to minors, has before now seen preliminary injunction in late 2005, otherwise it would have gone into effect January 1, 2006. Since then the bill was pending investigation...
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Who Has Your PS3: How Bad is the Console Scalping Problem?
game: PS3
editorial | 11/15/06 | Aaron Stanton
The PS3 has released in Japan, and the units were eaten up like candy. With 88,400 units sold, the search for second-hand PS3 units has begun. But reports of people buying the system just to resell it for profit have begun showing up all over the place, and 1up.com recently reported Sony sold almost 2,000 more hardware units than they did software titles. Is this indicative of rampant scalping at the PS3 launch? Aaron sits down to compare some of these numbers to the Xbox 360 launch in 2005 to see if he can draw any comparisons.
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New Video of Alan Wake Surfaces, Hints at Gameplay
game: Alan Wake
news | 09/27/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s been months since we\'ve heard anything from Remedy about Alan Wake, the survival horror exclusive for the Xbox 360 and PC. Now, Remedy has tipped a bit of their hand again, showing some footage of their upcoming title at an Intel press conference. Much of the footage is more of what we\'ve already seen, but also the very first hints of what gameplay will look like. It\'s worth checking out, if anything just to see how they\'ve been playing with their physics since E3 2005.
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Gears of War Emerges Alongside PS3, Sony Makes Angry Face
game: Gears of War
news | 08/03/06 | Chris Martin
REDMOND, Washington - Aug. 3, 2006 - Microsoft offices today announced that Epic Games\', \"Gears of War\" has been given a solid release date. Gamers have been waiting for the game since its impressive showing at E3 2005, and we posted our hands-on multiplayer preview a while back. But now, \"Emergence Day\" is not so mysterious and, guess what, it\'s releasing in November, right alongside the PlayStation 3.
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20 Days to the Prey Demo, 3D Realms' Joe Siegler Updates
game: Prey
news | 06/03/06 | Chris Martin
We\'re only 20 days from the release of the Prey Demo on PC and Xbox 360. That means you\'ll be able to see what the gaming media has been raving about since Prey made an unexpected appearance on the show floor at E3 2005. Combining traditional FPS elements with dynamic gravity, Spirit Power, and Portals, Prey adds up to one hell of a shooter. Joe Siegler from 3D Realms updates us on everything Prey and everything MultiPrey in the Prey Weekly Update. Shooter fans, read on!
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Galactic Civilizations II Review: Dread Lords?! $#!t, there goes the planet...
game: Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords
review | 04/07/06 | Chris Martin
Since we first saw Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords at E3 2005, we were hooked. Ready to take on the universe, so to speak, to get our grubby hands on a copy. We got our preview build a while back. But now we have the final product; does it blow our socks into the black nothingness of space, or leave us as cold as Pluto? Find out inside Chris Martin\'s review.
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PS3 Delayed, Scheduled for November 2006, Hard Disc Drive Confirmed
news | 03/15/06 | Chris Martin
Rumors have more or less stated that the PlayStation 3 won\'t make its Spring launch, and now it\'s official. The PS3 is coming in November. November of 2006 will have the PS3 hitting store shelves a full year behind the Xbox 360, which launched in late November of 2005. Without specific word on when Nintendo plans on releasing their Revolution, it\'s hard to say whether or not this will make the PS3 the last console of this generation to reach the market. We\'re all excited about Sony\'s announcement, though, read the full article to find out why...
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Finding Alan Wake
game: Alan Wake
news | 02/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Few games excited the gaming media during E3 2005 like Alan Wake. The self-billed action suspense title was on many release lists to be set free at the beginning of this month; it\'s no where to be found. In fact, there isn\'t even yet word on an official publisher, a fairly crucial step in the release of a game. Remedy, Alan\'s developers and the creators of Max Payne, are hard at work and wrapped in a cloud of secrets and mystery, for the time being. Which leaves us all with the question: Who is Alan Wake? And maybe more importantly, where is Alan Wake?
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Playstation Live Coming After All?
game: Playstation 3
news | 02/03/06 | Aaron Stanton
Contrary to comments made by Sony Vice President Phil Harrison in November of 2005, Playstation Magazine is reporting that Sony Entertainment is busy at work creating an online service designed to rival Xbox Live. This is good news for Sony fans that were concerned the PS3 might carry over the PS2\'s continuing online strategy... which means none. Sony has repeatedly committed itself to taking the PS3 online, but has released little information about how they plan on doing that. Assuming Phil Harrison wasn\'t lying in November, we can only assume that the Playstation\'s online system will still be mostly up to developers, not Sony itself. Sony, of course, won\'t comment on rumors.
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Xbox Games Grew 77% Over System Life-Cycle, Suggests 360 DVDs Are (Mostly) Big Enough for Next-Generation
game: Xbox 360
feature | 01/19/06 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has received criticism for sticking to the DVD9 format for the Xbox 360. Concerned gamers point out that the 8.5 gigabytes of storage may not be enough to hold next-generation games. Sony\'s PS3 will use blu-ray, a format capable of storing several times the information of DVD9. But how big are Xbox 360 games? And how much will they grow, really? We take a look at the size of original Xbox titles to see how much they grew between 2001 and 2005, and compare them to the size of the Xbox 360 launch titles to make an educated guess about the DVD9\'s future needs. The conclusion? Well, you\'ll have to read to find out, but it generally makes Microsoft look like they know what they\'re doing. Don\'t enter a forum debate about blu-ray without reading this article.
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Videogame Industry Tops $10.5 Billion
news | 01/16/06 | Shawn Rider
As reported by GameDaily Biz, NPD Funworld calculates the videogame industry\'s take last year at around $10.5 billion. It looks like games have reached a major milestone, and that is thanks to some (possibly) surprising trends in 2005: portable gaming and female gamers. Sure, the Xbox 360 launch was a major boost to the industry in Q4, but the success of the industry in a highly transitional year (new console launches are never great for software sales) is attributed to handheld gaming and female gamers. Get more on this story right here.
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PSP finally outsells the DS in Japan
news | 01/15/06 | George Holomshek
It took a while, but Sony\'s PSP was finally able to top the Nintendo DS in sales last week (January 2-8) in Japan. As reported by Joystiq, this is the first time since April of 2005 that the PSP has outsold the DS. Sony managed to move 132,757 PSPs off shelves and the DS jumped into shopping karts 91,379 times. George has the details in this News blurb.
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Take Two Acquires Irrational Games
news | 01/10/06 | Shawn Rider
Word comes that Take Two, whose publishing label is now 2K Games, has acquired Irrational Games, creators of such amazing titles as SWAT 4, Freedom Force, and the classic System Shock 2. Irrational was also lauded this week with the \"Best PC Developer\" award for 2005 from IGN (for SWAT 4). In addition, the team was cited by Gamespot for \"Best AI\" in a game (also for SWAT 4), and both SWAT 4 and Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich were included on GameSpy\'s top 10 games of 2005 list. Get more on the acquisition here.
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The Student Who Beat the Revolution
game: Addi's Pebble
feature | 12/29/05 | Aaron Stanton
The Asia Game Show & DEE Asia 2005 had some interesting items on display, but the only gem was a student design project tucked in the back corner. Pebble, designed by Addi Lam, uses a controller that\'s very similar to the Revolution. Only it was built months before Nintendo announced anything about the Revolution\'s nifty control approach. This project was developed entirely independent of Nintendo. For a brief moment at the AGSDEE Asia, lucky visitors had a chance to see what Nintendo\'s been talking about.
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AGS & DE Expo Asia 2005: The Expo That's Not E3
feature | 12/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
As the first days of the 4th Asia Game Show and Digital Entertainment Expo Asia 2005 get underway, it\'s interesting to see the differences between this Hong Kong exposition and what we normally see at E3. Designed much more to be a one day event than a multi-day outing for the average attendee, there\'s still enough to keep even the most casual technophiles interested. From cell phones to TV\'s, Editor Aaron Stanton describes the expo after the first two days, including what he saw behind that intriguing PlayStation 3 sign he spotted going up before the show opened.
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