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Search for 'EA' returned 1295 results.

PC Gaming by Design
Articles Archive | 05/27/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It's not unusual for new trends to emerge at each annual Electronics Entertainment Exposition. Video games represent a relatively young but now thriving and dynamic industry that has been steadily gaining market share in the entertainment sector. In 2001, video game sales increased 43% to some $9.4 billion, approaching the music business and surpassing box office revenues. Growing numbers of people are tuning out, preferring to turn on their PlayStation 2s, Nintendo GameCubes, Microsoft Xboxes, and PCs.
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PS2 Price DROP
game: Playstation 2
news | 05/20/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
Long awaited by gamers everywhere, the two big boys of the console market have locked horns. Sony announced earlier this week that the PS2 price would drop from $299 to $199. Click here for the details about Sony\'s price change. Microsoft had planned on surprising us all at E3 with a price drop for the Xbox, but in light of Sony\'s news chose to make the change immediately, dropping the price of the Xbox from $299 to $199. Click here for Xbox details. In other news, Sony Japan has announced the PS3 is in development and slated for Japanese release in 2005.
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PC Gaming by Design
editorial | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In PC Gaming by Design, our man Paul takes a look at a PC gaming trend that seems to be amping up for the coming year. Certainly mods and modders have been around for years, but the latest crop of PC titles take great pains to give players the chance to get in on designing their own content. Get the skinny on this trend here.
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Smugglers Run: Warzones Preview
game: Smugglers Run: Warzones
preview | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
In what seems like a coup, one of the formative titles from PS2 is jumping to GC exclusivity. Smuggler\'s Run: Warzones will hit Nintendo\'s system this summer, and it\'s likely to please fans and novices alike. New countermeasures, better visuals, and a beefed up multiplayer are just some reasons to check it out. Click here.
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Myst III: Exile Preview
game: Myst III: Exile
preview | 05/20/02 | Monica Hafer
Is this gorgeous enough for you? The series that brought computer graphics into the mainstream consciousness is coming to a console near you. Myst III: Exile maintains the on-rails, point and click, interface of its predecessors, but features a 360 degree camera and the most photorealistic landscapes we\'ve seen so far, not to mention a meaty narrative. Click here for more.
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Neverwinter Nights Preview
game: Neverwinter Nights
preview | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
BioWare and Infogrames will bring us the long-awaited Neverwinter Nights sometime this year. After a long time of anticipation, the game is looking better than we could have hoped, and given that NWN makes major advancements in the genre, this is probably the most serious contender for RPG of the year. Click here for a full preview.
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Shadowbane Calls for Beta Testers
news | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
One of the cool new MMORPGs we saw at E3 this year was Shadowbane, in development by Wolf Pack Studios and coming later this year from Ubi Soft. We\'ll get around to a full preview soon, but those already in the know may want to head over and sign up for the beta test gearing up now. Get the details here.
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Roller Coaster Tycoon II Preview
game: Roller Coaster Tycoon II
preview | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s back! The phenomenally huge hit now has a sequel, and Roller Coaster Tycoon II promises to fulfill the hopes and dreams of aspiring theme park developers. A new editing interface, a Six Flags license, and improved graphics are just the beginning. Put your existing park on hold and check out this preview. Click here.
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Space Race Review (PS2)
game: Space Race
review | 05/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
When this game came out for the Dreamcast it was a hit. And it\'s still a super good game. Space Race on the PlayStation 2 brings back all the same tracks and characters with just a few enhancements. Bottom line: If you own the DC version, don\'t sweat this one, but if you haven\'t tried Space Race and if you like kart racers at all, click here now.
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Age of Mythology Preview
game: Age of Mythology
preview | 05/05/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Bruce Shelley and the gang have put together a wonderful next installment in the Age of Empires series. Age of Mythology allows you to play several cultures replete with heroes, fantastic creatures, and plenty of heavenly vengeance. The new 3D engine lets you see the action from any angle and zoom. It\'s just beautiful. Click here.
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Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter Review (PS2)
game: Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
review | 04/02/02 | Eric Qualls
Capcom\'s other latest offering is a revolutionary take on their established Breath of Fire series. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter does two things very differently: First, it incorporates a way-cool cel shaded look. Second, the game structure and replay system are unlike anything we\'ve seen in console RPGs. Read all about it here.
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Drome Racers Review
game: Drome Racers
review | 03/08/02 | Eric Qualls
What can we say about Drome Racers? It\'s a racing game. And it\'s apparently set in a bleak world of flatly rendered polygons -- spooky! This racer is technically not bad, but it lacks the personality to make it one of our faves.
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EDITORIAL - Consoles as Communal Entertainment
Articles Archive | 01/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Mind-numbing, anti-social, violence-inducing, sexually explicit: the list of evils attributed to video games gets ever longer. Apparently, the fact that games are achieving more "realness," according to Lois Salisbury, president of Children Now, based in Oakland, California, makes them more potent than ever in their ability to warp the minds of young 'uns.
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EDITORIAL - Consoles as Communal Entertainment
Articles Archive | 01/22/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Mind-numbing, anti-social, violence-inducing, sexually explicit: the list of evils attributed to video games gets ever longer. Apparently, the fact that games are achieving more "realness," according to Lois Salisbury, president of Children Now, based in Oakland, California, makes them more potent than ever in their ability to warp the minds of young 'uns.

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ICO Review
game: ICO
review | 11/15/01 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Possibly the most beautiful game yet for PS2 is ICO, the strange story of a little boy with horns growing out of his head. Normally, that would be cool, except in his culture they sacrifice little boys with horns growing out of their heads. Check out Jason\'s review here.
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