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Search for 'AI' returned 735 results.

Square Enix PR Faces Gamer Wrath for Overreaching Embargo Attempt
game: Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
news | 06/26/06 | Aaron Stanton
1Up.com editor Luke Smith recently called Square Enix to task on a press embargo they attempted to impose for the Japanese release of Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. The embargo laid out guidelines about what the press could and couldn\'t say regarding the storyline of the already released Valkyrie Profile 2, including which characters and locations were safe to talk about. Of course, you can\'t embargo publicly available information, and Smith called them on it, opening Enix to a public lashing in the forums. Here\'s to 1Up\'s editors for having the guts to talk about it, and here\'s a sympathetic shake of the head to Square Enix PR. They\'ve got to be slapping themselves on the head right now.
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Charles Would Be Proud: Darwinia Review
game: Darwinia
review | 06/23/06 | Jason Perkins
Introversion\'s Darwinia has scored plenty of good press over the past year. With a cult following from its first demo release, the game has gone on to win at the Independent Games Festival. The success has earned Darwinia a download-to-play release on Valve\'s Steam service and, most recently, a boxed retail version published by Cinemaware Marquee, whose stated goal is to bring some of the best overlooked games to retail. We got our latest GF! team member, Jason Perkins, to check it out.
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Nibris Unveils New Info and Screens for ?Raid Over the River?
game: Raid Over the River
news | 06/14/06 | George Holomshek
Polish developer Nibris spilled the beans on their upcoming Raid Over the River, an exclusive Nintendo DS and Wii two-part series. When archaeologists in Peru discover an ancient artifact, top-down aerial time-travelling combat ensues (as you probably expected). The game looks and sounds like a spiffed up River Raid, but this revamp includes the addition of touch-screen control elements (most of the game is played traditionally) and voice-activated special moves. The overblown storyline and funky control schemes could make this series one to watch. Get the full story from George, right here.
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How Homebrew Development is Holding Up, System By System
news | 06/12/06 | Aaron Stanton
Systems like the original Xbox and Sony\'s PSP are praiseworthy on their own, but they can be made even better through the creative application of homebrew software. Enthusiast developed software has helped shape the console industry since the days of the Sega Saturn and the original PlayStation. This posting on the DCEmu forums takes a brief, but informed look at the state of homebrew development on today\'s and yesterday\'s systems. Included in the list are common consoles, like the Xbox, as well as older systems, like the DreamCast. It\'s an interesting read if you\'ve dabbled on the fringe of the community and are curious to hear an overview of how things stand.
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Retailers Brace for the PS3
news | 06/11/06 | Matt James
The PlayStation 2 launch was legendary for beginning the \"shortages\" craze. After last year\'s Xbox 360 launch, all gamers should now realize that if they want a new console system on launch day, it will be a fight. Nintendo looks to be shipping enough systems to satisfy demand, but this year we\'re concerned again about Sony. With some retailers refusing to take PlayStation 3 preorders, a confusing multi-configuration release offering, and a spotted history of delays and adjustments, PS3 is headed for a rocky launch. We have some details about what to expect on launch day here.
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3D Realms Offered $500,000 to Release Duke Nukem by December 2006
game: Duke Nukem Forever
news | 06/10/06 | Aaron Stanton
Take Two Interactive renegotiated their contract with 3D Realms back in March, pulling two million dollars from the project at the same time as offering a $500,000 bonus if 3D Realms delivers by the end of the year. The $500,000 bonus is only paid if Duke Nukem Forever ships by December 31st, 2006. What does this mean for Duke Nukem? Well, it might get the title out the door. On the other hand, cutting money from the budget and then leaning on the developer to finish faster isn\'t exactly a formula for a quality game. A bonus might sound like a good idea, unless it leads to rushed development with lower standards.
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Ping Pong Renaissance: Table Tennis Review
game: Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis
review | 06/07/06 | Shawn Rider
Rockstar\'s latest title isn\'t a murder simulator or hardcore gangsta shooter. It\'s a pleasant game of Table Tennis, and it\'s really well-done. Rockstar Presents Table Tennis comes from their San Diego studio, well known for creating the Smuggler\'s Run and Midnight Club series. If Table Tennis sounds like a major change of speed, that\'s because it is. But when the results are so much fun, we\'re fine with switching gears. Get the full review here from Shawn.
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The Official GamesFirst! Guide to Achievement Points
game: Xbox 360
editorial | 06/06/06 | Matt James
Xbox Live\'s ability to record achievements adds an entirely new dimension to online gaming. Suddenly, everything you do matters, and achieving a high gamer score is like managing to break into the top ten at the local video arcade (if you lived in the \'80s). In this article, we sit down with an Xbox 360 controller and a stack of games to find out the best ways to raise your gamer score with as little work as possible. Geometry Wars might be fun, but it\'s nearly a waste of time if you\'re interested in raising your stats. Madden 2006, though? It\'s a goldmine for even the unskilled footballer. And it\'s not the only one.
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Sony's Phil Harrison Slams PCs, Talks Tilting, Defends Blu-Ray
news | 06/03/06 | Chris Martin
With the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, and the Wii on the market come November, how will Sony cope? Are they looking for an answer to Microsoft\'s Live Anywhere service, which will link Xbox 360 owners, PC owners, and mobile owners in a new and fresh way? Are they looking to clean up with their Blu-Ray high definition disc player? Or will their new tilt/sensor Dual un-Shock controller be able to propell Sony beyond Nintendo\'s Wii? Truly, there is a lot ahead of Sony. President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios Phil Harrison has a lot to say about the PS3, Live Anywhere, and the Wii remote. And of course, he doesn\'t mind ripping the PC a new one while he\'s at it. Tough as nails, if there\'s only one thing you had to say about Phil its \"he\'s got balls.\" Read on to find out why.
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Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators Review, or Why 2D Games Still Rock
game: Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
review | 06/01/06 | Chris Martin
Games like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Freelancer have become famous for their open-ended and near endless gameplay. With incredibly diverse player choice and a universe that\'s randomly generated each time you start a new campaign, Space Rangers 2 looks to give both titles a run for their money. The 2D RTS/3D Turn-based Strategy/Action title mixes a bit of everything into a game that\'s easily capable of taking on Oblivion in terms of the ability to go anywhere, and do anything. Space Rangers 2 is an unexpected gem that you\'ve probably not heard about, but should have.
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Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Preview
game: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
preview | 05/30/06 | RJ Brooks
Castlevania debuted on the Nintendo DS in near perfect form in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. The Konami release is still one of the best games available on Nintendo\'s latest handheld system. Now, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is gearing for another round of Dracula hunting, including a form of Co-op play and a new dual character system that encourages you to switch between characters as you play. While there are still a lot of unanswered questions about how the game will be balanced, the Castlevania sequel is certainly looking strong enough to capture our attention. Read our preview for more details.
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Planes, Trains and...Trotmobiles? Steambot Chronicles Review
game: Steambot Chronicles
review | 05/29/06 | Amanda Bateman
Steambot Chronicles is the newest Atlus release for the PS2, allowing players to do anything from farming to ferrying to fighting, all on the back of a two-legged transport robot called a Trotmobile. This is definitely not your traditional console roleplaying game. Non-linear gameplay and amazing diversity of things to do has kept our gal, Amanda, busy defeating evil and buskering for UR. Get her full review here.
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The New N-Gage: The System that Could
game: N-Gage
preview | 05/28/06 | RJ Brooks
Though the N-Gage hardware might be gone, the N-Gage spirit apparently won\'t die. Nokia has changed the N-Gage from a portable gaming device into a portable gaming network available exclusively to Nokia customers. The network will provide downloadable games to many different types of cell phones, not just a specific one pushed as a gaming device. Set to launch in 2007, the service will offer both first and third party titles. If you\'re interested in Nokia\'s push to return to the world of gaming, read about the rebirth of the N-Gage.
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Sony and the PS3: Are They Really Going Beyond?
editorial | 05/26/06 | RJ Brooks
The overwhelming market domination of the PS2 has been Sony\'s biggest strength, as well as their chossen ideology in the PS3\'s console design, specs, and marketing. Ironically, the PS3 is also proving that size is not everything when it goes up against innovation (Nintendo and Microsoft). What has been presented by Sony as \"the next generation\" begs the question: While the PS3\'s tag-line reads \"Go Beyond\" is Sony really taking their own advice? With a system price that exceeds both their competition combined, is Sony prepared to push themselves beyond a game of matching, and truly lead the industry?
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A Bridge Too Far: The World of Halo 2 Cheating
game: Halo 2
feature | 05/26/06 | Shawn Rider
Halo 2 has remained a favorite on Xbox Live even for Xbox 360 owners, and Bungie has continued to maintain a lively community website and roll out improvements. Inspired by a recent posting on the Bungie News blog, Shawn takes a look at the current state of Halo 2 cheating: Bridging, standby, boosting? What is this crazy talk? Welcome to the twisted world of Halo 2 cheating.
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