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Search for 'all' returned 872 results.

twoplayer comic: Booth Babes for All!
comic | 05/20/05 | Aaron Stanton
You can\'t have E3 without booth babes? at least, not in this day and age. While the number of booth babes has greatly diminished this year " possibly a good sign " there\'s no doubt that they are an imbedded part of the E3 experience. Check out today\'s E3 twoplayer, Booth Babes for All!\"

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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E3 2005: Okami
game: E3 2005: Okami
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Capcom\'s Okami blends watercolor fluidity with a mythologized storyline to create a beautiful and immersive game. To get the full effect of the game\'s beauty, you have to see it in motion and actually try out the blend of action and painting, but you can get the next best thing in Laurie\'s preview.
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E3 2005: Full Auto
game: E3 2005: Full Auto
preview | 05/20/05 | Laurie Taylor
Any game that can claim to be next generation? is a hot topic this year. The Xbox 360, PS3, and Revolution all have a great deal of buzz, but we're only now starting to see the first hints of what the games themselves will actually look like. Every screenshot we've seen has been from early developer kits, which are traditionally less powerful than the final systems. We get a look at the Xbox 360 title Full Auto.
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E3 2005: Turtle Beach Surround Sound Headphones
game: E3 2005: Turtle Beach Surround Sound Headphones
preview | 05/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Turtle Beach has long been one of the premier audio hardware manufacturers for the PC, and this year they are unveiling their new line of surround-sound headphones, which seriously thump. These headbangers feature front, center, and rear channels, plus subwoofers with flappers. Oh yeah, we like. We like very much...
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Motorized Automax Disc Repair System
game: Motorized Automax Disc Repair System
preview | 05/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Scratched discs suck. There's no other way to put it. And while there are many methods of repairing scratched discs, we were impressed with the Automax system, which is a very nice, drop it and go device that buffs those scratches right out.
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E3 2005 Central
Articles Archive | 05/19/05 | Shawn Rider
The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo is happening once again. And, as we have since 1999, GF! will cover the crap out of the show. We've got a crack team of writers and photographers heading to LA so we can bring back the goodest of the goods. This year we're going to post nightly updates from the show, in addition to our live moblog. Get a whole new point of view on E3 with Team GF! And continue on to E3 Central 2005 for all the haps on the show.
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twoplayer comic: Too Ugly for E3
comic | 05/18/05 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s nothing better than waking up at 6 in the morning after a night out at a Midway party. Our GF crew is in the process of getting ready for the media breakfast served at the start of each E3. Today\'s E3 twoplayer comic, Too Ugly for E3, refers to the fact that I was the only person on the GamesFirst crew that didn\'t receive my media badge in time for the trip down. While it all worked out, I felt hurt and rejected. Why was I turned away? Twoplayer provided my answer.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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twoplayer comic: PSP and Nintendo DS Meet
comic | 05/16/05 | Aaron Stanton
PSP Meets Nintendo DS is the first of our daily E3 twoplayer comics. You should also read the accompanying article, as it contains all sorts of interesting inside details on just how big a show E3 really is. Check out the comic itself here, and then read about E3 and the world behind people behind the comic inside of this article here.
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Editorial: Notes Scribbled in the Dark While Watching a Really Long Xbox Commercial
Articles Archive | 05/12/05 | Shawn Rider
"Everybody here is in, obviously." Obviously. We haven't seen this kind of "drank the punch" vigor since Election 2004. In a move sure to annoy others much more than it annoys us (mainly because we don't get invited to the really good events anyway), Microsoft revealed the Xbox on MTV tonight. Shawn watched it, and while he did, he scribbled these notes.
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Batman Begins
game: Batman Begins
preview | 05/09/05 | George Holomshek
Movies and video games have not been incredibly kind to the Batman franchise over the years. While some of the blockbuster productions turned out to be better than others, fans of the series have longed for a darker, deeper look at what makes a man parade around in leather armor and a bat cap. Now, Batman Begins promises to give fans a glimpse of Batman's roots, and the game promises to have a much stronger stealth and fear element to it than past games. An all-new Batman seems to be hiding in the shadows, and we can only hope that the new one will be capable of kicking the old one's ass. Check out our preview for more details.
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Call of Duty 2
game: Call of Duty 2
preview | 05/03/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Since the release of Brothers in Arms, World War II FPS games have had a higher standard to work towards in order to compete. Even well established franchises like Call of Duty will have to battle hard to separate themselves from a saturated genre. Blaine breaks away from his original Call of Duty binge to look over what we know about Call of Duty 2. What can we expect from the next generation title?
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twoplayer comic: Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3)
comic | 05/01/05 | Aaron Stanton
We\'re two weeks from E3 2005. That sounds like a lot of fun, but it\'s really just a lot of work for us in the industry, and if there\'s one thing we at GF! generally dislike, it\'s work. It also means that we only have 12 days until Microsoft unveils their next-generation game console, so we figure there\'s still time for Meet Xbox 2 (Part 3) before we move on to poking fun at some other companies and games in the industry. For a little insight into what goes on behind the comics, including a little bit about the daily twoplayer comics we\'ll be doing over E3, be sure to read about it here (after checking out this weeks cartoon, of course). Remember, you can always find the latest twoplayer comics at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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Soul Calibur III
game: Soul Calibur III
preview | 04/27/05 | Chris Martin
What do we know about Soul Calibur III? Well, not much, actually. But we've been scrounging around the net and found some of the dirt on Namco's PlayStation 2 exclusive follow-up to the PS2, XBOX, and GameCube smash hit. Read on to find out...
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Gran Turismo 4
game: Gran Turismo 4
review | 04/21/05 | Chris Martin
The long-awaited sequel to the reigning king of racing simulations is finally here, but is Gran Turismo 4 everything you ever wanted? Refined graphics, updated offerings, and some spiffy tweaks make it appealing, but what about the AI, the lack of some significant licenses, and no online multiplayer support? Check the details for our lowdown.
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Is TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Really Perfect?
game: Is TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Really Perfect?
review | 04/20/05 | Steffan Del Piano
With the word "perfect" in the game's title EA is aiming high. Does the latest TimeSplitters game hit its mark or miss miserably?
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