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Giantology Blog
game: Shadow of the Colossus
news | 10/26/05 | Shawn Rider
Why are we always such suckers for this viral marketing stuff? Sony (or somebody working for Sony) has created an utterly believable Typepad blog called Giantology, which features images and videos shot by \"scientists\" and \"enthusiasts\" all over the world. What is in said images and videos? Just some fossilized and otherwise dessicated remains of things that look an awful lot like the Colossi from Sony\'s recent release, Shadow of the Colossus. There\'s some fun stuff on the site, so check it out.
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PSP 2.0 Firmware Homebrew Loader Released
game: EBoot Loader v0.7
news | 10/26/05 | Shawn Rider
A developer known as Fanjita has released a version 2.0 homebrew loader for PSP, which brings Sony vs. The Hackers pretty much even again: Now, you can load your PSP up with the latest games (which are requiring you to have version 2.0 firmware) and you can play your homebrew games, applications and emulators. Plus, you get the new version 2.0 features including the much-appreciated web browser. But don\'t go jamming that X-Men Legends 2 UMD in your machine and update all willy-nilly. There\'s a method to upgrading your PSP.
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Blitzkrieg 2 Review
game: Blitzkrieg 2
review | 10/25/05 | Blaine Krumpe
CDV\'s Blitzkrieg 2 is a hardcore grognard\'s dream: RTS gameplay simulations of famous WWII battles. Playing as either an American, Russian or German commander, you make the decisions about where and how to deploy your land, air or sea ordinance. The 3D graphics engine makes for some pretty explosions, and the rag doll physics makes the battle truly brutal. Visceral and complex, Blitzkrieg 2 is a must-play for any WWII buffs or RTS fans.
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Kuma Reality Games Hits CNN, Pisses People Off
game: Kuma\War
news | 10/25/05 | Aaron Stanton
Kuma Reality Games, makers of Kuma\\War, found themselves the center of international attention when a petition began circulating requesting the removal of one of their products from the web. The petition, written in Farsi, demands that a mission portraying an American attack on Iran be removed from the website and made unavailable for download. In the body of the petition, the author expresses a concern that the game is designed to measure world sensitivity to a U.S. assault on Iran. \"In my opinion,\" the petition reads, \"this is not something we can easily ignore.\" The petition, and the reaction from the Iranian press in regards to the game, has made it into the top headlines on CNN.com.
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GTR: FIA Racing Review
game: GTR: FIA Racing
review | 10/23/05 | Chris Martin
Hardcore racing sim fans take note: GTR: FIA Racing is an out-of-left-field contender for the racing sim hall of fame. Built on real data from the FIA racing circuit, GTR: FIA Racing features tense simulations with some of the best opponent driver AI we\'ve ever seen in any racing title. It doesn\'t have the catalog of vehicles or the over-the-top graphics beauty of a Gran Turismo or Project Gotham, but this one has plenty of get up and go.
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Tracking Xbox 360 Kiosks
news | 10/22/05 | Shawn Rider
As the Xbox 360 begins to show up around the country in retail kiosks gamers are frothing for a chance to get some hands-on time with the system. To assist you in finding a retail location with an Xbox 360 kiosk, someone has created a Frapper map that charts the locations of retail 360 kiosks by plugging into Google maps. Users can add waypoints, comments and images. There is a severe lack of imagery, though, so gamerss with phonecams, get ye to the local megalomart. And then post them up on the Xbox 360 Retail Kiosks Map.
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Kuma War Brings Saddam's Exploits to Life in Free Games
game: Kuma War
news | 10/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Kuma War is bringing Saddam\'s trial to virtual life. Just released is the first in a series of episodes featuring the events of Saddam Hussein\'s life which are under scrutiny in his trials. The first episode corresponds to the current trial, and is called \"The Crime of Dujail: Saddam\'s Revenge.\" In 1982, Saddam\'s motorcade was attacked, and Saddam is reported to have ordered the public executions of 143 villagers and the imprisonment of 1500 more Iraqis. Kuma War\'s recreation focuses on the motorcade ambush as players try to assassinate the dictator. And Kuma Reality Games believes these episodes to be so valuable as an educational tool that they are giving them away for free. Read more here.
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Hideo Kojima Joins the Blogosphere
news | 10/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Hideo Kojima has officially joined the blogosphere. Hideoblog, hosted on Konami\'s Kojima Productions site, is an interesting read. It\'s a classic example of bringing some everyday humanity to a legendary figure, and reading Kojima\'s descriptions of checking email while eating lunch and the light reflecting from Tokyo\'s Roppongi Hills brings a real sense of the man behind the Metal Gear Solid franchise. And on some days Kojima is doing things like getting his copy of Hard Boiled autographed by Frank Miller. It\'s a bit surreal, and should be a must-read for any Kojima acolytes. Check it out.
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New Glactic Civ 2: Dread Lords Screens
game: Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords
news | 10/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Stardock\'s popular turn-based strategy title is returning with Galactic Civilizations 2: Dread Lords, which is currently in development. We\'ve been excited to see more from Dread Lords ever since Chris got some quality time with the game at E3. New graphics, more detailed gameplay, and much more are on offer this time out. Check out these seven new screens, and check out Chris\' E3 coverage of Dread Lords.
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Xbox 360 Hits the Open, Hangs Out at Wal-Mart
game: Xbox 360
news | 10/20/05 | Aaron Stanton
Don\'t be surprised if there\'s a line in the electronics section the next time you visit your local Wal-Mart. The retail chain has been scoring some street points by being the first retail company to demo Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, hands-on and playable by the customer. Apparently, playable Xbox 360 demo units have been springing up across the United States. A quick call to our local Wal-Mart confirmed that an Xbox 360 was already sitting, pristine and nice, behind a glass display and a line of people all hurting their necks looking up at the screen. \"We set ours up yesterday,\" was the comment we got from the clerk when we called, \"and it\'s beautiful.\"
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Happy Tree Friends: Winter Break Review
game: Happy Tree Friends: Winter Break
review | 10/19/05 | George Holomshek
When I was in high school, all the cool girls had this saying: \"That\'s so cute I just want to throw it against a wall.\" You could modify what you wanted to do to the cute thing: eat it, squish it, set it on fire. The idea was that cuteness inspires violent feelings, and it made us giggle with glee. Such is the premise of Happy Tree Friends: Cute and violent. Really violent. Like, Jack Thompson going to town in GTA violent--it kind of gets creepy sometimes. Check out George\'s review here.
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Old Grandma Hardcore Rules
news | 10/19/05 | Shawn Rider
Created and maintained by Timothy St. Hilaire, Old Grandma Hardcore is a Blogspot blog that details the gaming life of Tim\'s grandmother. At first, it might seem like a gimmick, but after reading some of the posts and watching the videos Tim and Grandma post on the site, it becomes completely clear that Grandma is hard freaking core. Whether it\'s God of War or Growlanser, Grandma got game. Click for more.
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Maker of DS Trojan Apologizes
game: Nintendo DS
news | 10/17/05 | Aaron Stanton
The creator of Trojan.DSBrick.A and B, Trojans that disable the Nintendo DS when installed, has issued a public apology. The Brick Trojan seeks out and deletes key system files from Nintendo\'s handheld, rendering it near worthless, or Bricked. Average DS owners have nothing to fear, since the Trojan can\'t spread without the active involvement of the user, but fellow members of the homebrew community have been in an uproar over the issue. DarkFader posted a public apology, along with instructions on how to repair a DS destroyed by the Trojan (to the best of our ability) on his website.
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Gekido Coming to PSP
game: Gekido: The Dark Angel
news | 10/17/05 | Shawn Rider
Naps Team, an indy beat \'em up developer, has announced Gekido: The Dark Angel for PSP. We would normally wait until we had much more information before talking about a game, but we remember the action of the PSOne version of Gekido, and the crazy GBA version of the game, too. These are evolutions of a classic genre, beefed up but still feeling very comfortable. In a way, Gekido can be to beat \'em ups what Guilty Gear is to fighting games, and this PSP title might just be the breakout installment in the series that gets gamers to pay attention. We\'ll keep up with Gekido\'s development, and in the meantime you can check out these teaser screens from developer Naps Team.
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GF! Mailbag
editorial | 10/16/05 | Matt James
Matt James is back with the mailbag, and after the mountain of email we got regarding our very non-controversial views on the Nintendo Revolution controller, we\'ve got to hand it to him: He carried that whole big bag up the stairs himself and didn\'t even strain anything. This is a classic edition of the GF! Mailbag: Gamers get fanatical about their hardware, and it\'s amazing how many people are driven to put their thought down although they have very little imagination or vision for how games could be even better than they already are. We\'ve said it before and we\'ll say it again: Sales figures are a false indication of quality.
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