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Xbox 360 Hits the Open, Hangs Out at Wal-Mart
game: Xbox 360
posted by: Aaron Stanton
publisher: Microsoft
developer: Microsoft
date posted: 10:46 AM Thu Oct 20th, 2005
last revision: 10:47 AM Thu Oct 20th, 2005

Click to read.Don\'t be surprised if there\'s a line in the electronics section the next time you visit your local Wal-Mart. The retail chain has been scoring street points by being the first retail company to demo Microsoft\'s Xbox 360, hands-on and playable by the customer. Apparently, playable Xbox 360 demo units have been springing up across the United States. A quick call to our local Wal-Mart confirmed that an Xbox 360 was already sitting, pristine and nice, behind a glass display and a line of people all hurting their necks for a better look even in some of the smaller Wal-Mart branches.

\"We set ours up yesterday,\" said the clerk when we called, \"and it\'s beautiful. Really beautiful.\"

The line of people apparently started to form while they were still erecting the system; if you\'ve ever wondered why it is that retail companies put those TVs up high and at such awkward positions, you\'ll soon discover why. It makes the wait for getting your chance to play much, much shorter.

While we haven\'t been able to confirm exactly what games are available to play, reports are coming in of playable demos of Call of Duty 2 and Kameo, along with trailers of other titles.

At the same time, games for Microsoft\'s new system have been showing up online; GameStop has Xbox 360 games and accessories for preorder, starting at around $59.99. It\'s all just a reminder: We\'re only a little more than 30 days away from the Xbox 360\'s release in November. Let\'s hope Wal-Mart doesn\'t mind me hanging out in the store until then.

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