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04/09/03 | | Shawn Rider
Level 3 is one of those companies you don\'t hear about very often. They supply the equipment and technologies that make our online games go, and they\'ve had a hand in some of the most successful online gaming endeavors of the past several years. We got a chance to sit down with Bill Wohnoutka to help us figure out just what these folks do and why we care. Click here for the whole story behind the scenes.

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03/10/03 | | Aaron Stanton
Wootsoft has a new idea: How about a massively multiplayer online RPG that combines various action elements and, most importantly, looks really, really pretty? Iritor Online promises to deliver stunning visuals and compelling gameplay. To find out more, our man Aaron spoke to Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft. Click for interview.

02/08/03 | | Aaron Stanton
Wootsoft has a new idea: How about a massively multiplayer online RPG that combines various action elements and, most importantly, looks really, really pretty? Iritor Online promises to deliver stunning visuals and compelling gameplay. To find out more, our man Aaron spoke to Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft. Click for interview.

11/13/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
he Xbox version of Serious Sam released yesterday, and man does it look sweet. A cult classic on the PC, Serious Sam is sure to find an audience on the Xbox, especially with sweet new extras and graphics. We got a hold of two interviews regarding the game: David Nottingham is a producer for Gotham Games and very excited about Serious Sam. Davor Tomicic is a game and level designer for Croteam and proves that those Croatians are wacky. Read on!

11/13/02 | | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Xbox version of Serious Sam released yesterday, and man does it look sweet. A cult classic on the PC, Serious Sam is sure to find an audience on the Xbox, especially with sweet new extras and graphics. We got a hold of two interviews regarding the game: David Nottingham is a producer for Gotham Games and very excited about Serious Sam. Davor Tomicic is a game and level designer for Croteam and proves that those Croatians are wacky. Read on!

11/12/02 | | Shawn Rider
Dana Bruno has had an illustrious career as an independent journalist working for the indy online news site, Newsdogs.com. She has been running her own site, BrunoReport.net, for awhile now and has recently become involved with the high-profile Search 4 E case. We were fortunate to have a chance to ask Bruno some questions about her history and her current investigation.

07/18/02 | | Aaron Stanton
Aaron Stanton was lucky enough to get some quality time with one of the legendary figures of gaming. Known for his eccentric qualities, including adventure vacations and his alter ego Lord British, as much as for his foundational role in creating Ultima Online and continuing participation in MMO projects like Lineage, City of Heroes, and Tabla Rasa (working title), Richard Garriott is THE man right about now. With MMORPGs at an all-time popularity high, and many new titles entering the fray, Garriott was kind enough to chat about his projects, game design, why consoles won\'t succeed online, and much more. Get the interview here.

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The cake is a lie.