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Search for 'd' returned 11 results.

twoplayer comic: Inside Nintendo
| 06/27/05 | Aaron Stanton
We go inside Nintendo this week to find what they\'re really hiding about the Nintendo Revolution. In the process, we destroy the world. Opps. Inside Nintendo is this week\'s twoplayer comic.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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QUIZ: Are You Hardcore?
| 06/08/05 | Monica Hafer
It\'s painfully apparent that when you put a bunch of GF! writers into a crowd at E3 that many of us are not exactly what you would call \"hardcore gamers.\" At least, not as hardcore as some of the folks out there. And realizing this got us thinking about the spectrum of the gaming audience, which is always growing and diversifying in interesting ways. So in true media-mogul fashion, allow us to oversimplify and close down the vast diversity of the gaming audience into four convenient categories and present it to you as a \"get to know yourself\" quiz. It\'ll be fun, like in Cosmo (babes inside!).
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Rugrats Go Wild Review
game: Rugrats Go Wild
| 08/19/03 | Eric Qualls
The Rugrats and the Wild Thornberrys team up, as we all know, in Rugrats Go Wild, this summer\'s kiddie bizomb. But the videogame version is pretty much just a bomb. The sound and visuals are just right, but game developers should remember: Kids are young people, not stupid people. Challenge our youth. Click for more.
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Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Review (Xbox)
game: Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
| 07/13/02 | Shawn Rider
Bethesda Softworks gets the prestigious honor of gracing the Xbox with its first RPG. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is a great start for the system, and a wonderful example of how cool RPGs can be. Eschewing the Japanese tradition, Morrowind should throw many console gamers for a loop in the best possible way. Click here.
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EDITORIAL - The Simpsons and Console Culture
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Perhaps you missed last Sunday\'s episode of \"The Simpsons,\" which, as well as being one of the best episodes to date (enough to make a person forget about last season\'s crap-a-thon), also featured the show\'s first new generation video game spot. Of course you shouldn\'t worry; syndication will take care of that problem, but, for those of you who did manage to catch it, the time for discussion is at hand.
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EDITORIAL - There Can Be Only One
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
It\'s like that movie, Kill All Monsters, where the big guys from the Godzilla films get together and have a big old monster hoedown, except these are full grown companies. Of course, all that was at stake in Kill All Monsters was a fictional humanity, and here the reward is fiscal reality. With so many new consoles coming out, I find myself asked more and more often: Which one should I buy? Well, the answer, of course, is, \"All of them.\" That\'s unsatisfactory for most people, but it\'s about the best a simple Console Editor can do.
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EDITORIAL - The Medium is the Medium
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
NORTHBOUND, Greyhound--just past Preston, UT (or ID or somewhere). Disclaimers have a tendency to strongly resemble either whining or lying. Having said that, the notes I just realized I needed for this piece are locked in the luggage bin of this bus (somewhere beneath the surly cowboy a few seats in front of me) traveling at the same breakneck 35 or so mph we are\"plus or minus the shifting and crashing around it\'s undoubtedly doing, as our driver seems to drive worse when he hasn\'t had a cigarette for a while, and Logan was sixty or so miles ago.
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EDITORIAL - Why You Should Pre-Order Your PS2 Now
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
As you are by now no doubt aware, the stateside release date for the PlayStation 2 has officially been announced as October 26, 2000 at an unexpectedly low (although I did win a bet on this one against Rick) $299. As you are also by now aware, Sony is not going to ship an unlimited number of these babies. While I can\'t seem to find my notes as to exactly how many units it was, I do recall shifting a bit uncomfortably in my chair and fighting off the urge to run to the nearest phone and preorder. And why? Because every damn PSX owner in the country is going to get one of these things (unless they are completely insane or financially strapped) as soon as they hit the shelves. If you saw any footage of the Japanese release, perhaps it reminded you of a business suit version of the Cabbage Patch riots of ?84\"mobs of drooling fanatics hopped up on barely concealed consumer rage and nearly bursting bladders, refusing to leave their space in line for any but the most dire of emergencies.
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EDITORIAL - Grrrl Gamez
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
I\'ve wanted to write an editorial about female gamers for a long time now; I just didn\'t know what I wanted to say. I toyed with the idea of slamming the sexist way women are portrayed in games, mainly because I felt like complaining about how sick I am of seeing Lara Croft\'s square butt everywhere. But I realized that both sexes are hyper-idealized in video games. Metal Gear Solid wouldn\'t have had the same effect if Solid Snake was a screechy-voiced, pimply-faced, fat guy (well maybe that would be kind of fun). We live in an age of equal opportunity sexism. Women have anorexic Vogue models to look up to and men have their muscle-bound fantasies fueled by Men\'s Health and GQ. I decided that it\'s not the games or the gamers that are the problem, but the damned video game advertisers along with a strong dose of our cultural stereotypes.
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EDITORIAL - Best PC Titles of E3 2000
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
After digging ourselves out from under the digital press kits and betas, here are what we think will the top dozen games of 2000. But first, a few caveats: we chose not to include any of the games that we chose as best of show for last year--that means that some excellent games--like Shogun, Diablo II, Deus Ex, Giants, and Oni-- will not be listed below. And we also decided not to include a few most excellent games that will be released in the very near future--including Sierra\'s Ground Control and Activisions\' Vampire: The Masquerade and Dark Reign 2.
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EDITORIAL - Rick's Best of E3 2000
| 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Well, this week GamesFirst! will be featuring even more E3 coverage, this time covering the PC side of the street. Over the next several days, I\'ll be listing my E3 Best Ofs, starting today with Best Party, Booth, and Awards Presenter, and ending this weekend with my Best Games of E3 list. In the meantime, we\'ll continue to preview this year\'s upcoming PC and console titles from E3.
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