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Search for 'Too Human' returned 169 results.

First Impressions: Too Human
game: Too Human
preview | 07/18/08 | Chris Martin
This terribly cold, strenuous year has entered it\'s warming period. Twentysomethings venture to the park for volleyball or soccer. Some throw frisbees or discs, if you prefer the neutral term. Also, the demo for Too Human has hit Live Marketplace. We suggest you go download it and play it. It\'s a game with as much controversy as variety, as little tact as subtlety.
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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Review
game: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
review | 11/21/07 | George Holomshek
Harmonix may have moved on to Rock Band, but the Guitar Hero franchise still goes strong. The third Guitar Hero features online play, a great song list, and the best fake guitar money can buy. But did Tony Hawk developer Neversoft shred this one up too much? Do a few glaring issues keep this hero from saving the day?
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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Stuntman: Ignition Preview
game: Stuntman: Ignition
preview | 07/23/07 | Chris Martin
One of the under-the-radar games this year, THQ\'s Stuntman: Ignition, has us all excited. Whether it\'s the parody of big-budget action films, the balance of risk and reward, or the allure of string-combos, this game seems to have quite a lot to offer gamers. We took the stuntman\'s job for several hours in the Xbox Live demo of Stuntman: Ignition. We ran through burning buildings, shot down helicopters, and braved a hand-brake-less-reverse-one-eighty, and have big, big smiles to show for it. More inside!
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Interview with Marco Behrman, CIO of MindArk
game: Entropia Universe
interview | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
Alt-Reality games are so hot right now. Seriously. CIO of MindArk, developer of the Alt-reality game Entropia Universe took the time to talk to our own Monica Hafer and discuss what it takes to maintain and balance an alternate reality game and an alternate reality game economy.
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Student Declared Witch and Burned for Making In-Game Map of High School.
editorial | 05/02/07 | Aaron Stanton
When a student at Clements High School in Texas made a video game mod based on the layout of his local high school, he probably didn\'t expect the reaction it eventually received. Two months after the map was created, the Virginia Tech shootings happened, and authorities took the students map as a threat. Not only was he removed from the campus grounds and sent to an alternative school, he\'s been bared from participating in graduation. Yet no one seems to believe that he actually represented a threat to the community - in that no one seems convinced he was on the verge of picking up a gun and shooting someone. The only problem is that he did something that - some people, at least - connect to events like Virginia Tech. In other words, it didn\'t matter that he wasn\'t really a witch, merely that he looked enough like one to be punished.
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Why Microsoft is Still in the Gaming Business.
game: Xbox 360
news | 04/20/07 | Aaron Stanton
There\'s an interesting article written back in 2006 that asks the question, \"Why is Microsoft still in the gaming industry?\" After losing $5.4 billion between 2001 and 2006, what incentive does Microsoft have to stay in the home console market? In fact, Microsoft has no incentive, unless you look at what the entertainment division does for Microsoft as a whole. Microsoft wants to keep control of the living room away from companies like Sony and Apple, and uses the Xbox 360 as a strategic tool for a larger company vision independent of its individual profits or losses. Additionally, there\'s an 800-lb gorilla in the room that keeps getting overlooked: XNA.
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Folding@home Video Courtesy of GameDAILY
game: Folding@home
news | 04/19/07 | Chris Martin
Folding@Home is a project that has been undergoing some massive distribution on PCs and now on Sony\'s PS3. It\'s also had success with the program in understanding proteins. A clever use of the human element here, by distributing the program Scientists at Stanford University are trying to get everyone involved in the unravelling of human proteins.
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The Problem With Context Sensitive Buttons
editorial | 03/26/07 | Aaron Stanton
Viva Pinata is one of those games that continues to surface in discussions amongst the GamesFirst staff in a way that is normally reserved for blockbuster titles. Though it certainly is too far outside the realm of \"normal\" to appeal to every gamer, Viva Pinata does an extraordinarily good job of being different and addicting at the same time. Yet its simple gameplay has one issue. Through its use of context sensitive buttons, Viva Pinata managed to take a simple gameplay experience and endow it with the impression that there were too many buttons. Is it possible that what was once a feature that developers bragged about has in some ways managed to simply over-complicate the game?
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Return of a Legend - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review
game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
review | 12/09/06 | George Holomshek
The Wii has burst onto the scene this Fall every bit as popular as some imagined. Its success is due, in part, to a single title that many Nintendo fans have been eager to play: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has been re-tooled from its Gamecube origins for the Wii\'s unique controller and brawnier hardware. The result is a launch title of virtually unparalleled quality. Is Twilight Princess all that we hoped it would be? Our man George is mighty impressed. Check out his review for the details.
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Why Gamers Have No Eyes
editorial | 10/24/06 | Aaron Stanton
The National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy took place this weekend. Researchers from around the country attended to discuss everything from violent media to the legality of government regulation of game ratings. It was sponsored by one of the game industry\'s most politically powerful critics, the National Institute on Media and the Family, which has consistently given the game industry poor marks when it comes to video games and violence. But did anyone from the game media bother to show up? Nope. Aaron Stanton was the lone game journalist at an event that could have real impact on game legislation, and the lack of attention pissed him off. You should read more about it here.
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Xbox 360 Gains Big Glowing Eye
game: Xbox Live Vision Camera
review | 09/26/06 | Shawn Rider
The Xbox Live Vision Camera is a great thing in most ways, but we wish there were more to do with it at the moment. Having just launched, not a lot of folks have dropped the 40 beans necessary to add a (slightly creepy) glowing eye to your Xbox 360s already too powerful and communicative brain. But the potential is undeniable: A solid camera and incredibly easy installation and configuration bode well for this device, which may also hold Microsoft\'s key to providing Wii-like game interaction without a controller. Get the full story in our eyes-on review.
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That Retro Review: Ninja Gaiden III
game: Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom
feature | 09/22/06 | Chris Martin
Ninjas will be ninjas. That\'s the story from Ninja Gaiden III, the link between Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden II. In this week\'s edition of That Retro Review, Chris tackles the tough, nay, the nigh-impossible, Ninja Gaiden III: the Ancient Ship of Doom. He slaughtered Clancy, and took out the BIO-NOID trash. Come on in, it\'s ninja magic time, baby!

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New PS3 Fatal Inertia Screens
game: Fatal Inertia
news | 09/22/06 | Chris Martin
Screenshots of Playstation 3 games continue to suggest that publishers are trying to take full advantage the PS3\'s power. Yesterday, publisher Koei released a bunch of new screenshots for Fatal Inertia, their futuristic hover racer that looks vaguely reminiscent of both F-Zero and the pod racing from Star Wars. Its gameplay emphasizes the use of physics as a tool to win races, but Fatal Inertia\'s graphics engine is evidently looking pretty good too. You can see that from the new screens.
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Saint's Row Review
game: Saint's Row
review | 09/16/06 | Sean Hilliard
Saint\'s Row is unmistakably influenced by Grand Theft Auto, but it manages to improve on the GTA formula in certain aspects. And why not? It took Rockstar almost a decade to get gamers into airplanes for crying out loud. And this is the 21st Century! Shouldn\'t we be able to save without retreating to a hideout? And for all of everyone\'s talk about the GTA games being open-ended, free-roaming adventures, they\'re actually incredibly linear narratives constrained by Hollywood cliches. Join the free-roaming revolution and read Sean\'s review.
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