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04/18/06 | | Chris Martin
Oblivion is one of the first games to really be a system seller for the Xbox 360 (that is, if you can find a 360). One of the quirks of the game is the ability to contract diseases - more specifically, you can contract Vampirism. The quest for a cure is one of the longest and most complicated of Oblivion, and also one of the most interesting. You\'ll find yourself weighing the trade-off between huge stat-bounces and the ability to withstand sunlight and quick-travel between towns. If you\'re a little confused about what Vampirism does for you, does against you, and how to cure it, Chris Martin\'s guide to curing vampirism is for you.

11/20/05 | | Shawn Rider
game: Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 is a powerful media machine, in addition to being a powerful gaming machine. And with all of the new capabilities, we\'re sure to see a lot of fun and funky uses. So we thought we\'d kick off the interesting Xbox 360 media-centered ideas with this quick article about how to listen to podcasts while you\'re gaming. Now you don\'t have to make a choice between the evening news and gaming with your long-distance friends on XBL. And now you can listen to Val review games while you play them. How cool is that? Check it out here.

11/20/05 | | Shawn Rider
game: Xbox 360
The Xbox is amazing for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is a whole raft of new multimedia capabilities. Now all media playback is handled by the system, which means you can overlay your custom soundtrack on any game you\'d like. Connect to other PCs on your home network, or to portable devices including PSP and iPod, and you can stream music right into your games. And if you have a PC with Windows Media Center Edition 2005, then the Xbox 360 becomes the hub of your media life: live television, recorded shows, and playback of videos from your PC are just some of the features in the new Xbox 360.

07/03/05 | | Aaron Stanton
Funny that we\'d choose the Sunday before the 4th of July to take a bit more of a political slant on a gaming comic, but sometimes ideas come, and after a bit of thought I realized that there could be no better time to print a politically-tinged game cartoon than during the celebration of our country, of freedom, and of the ideals that make America great. Plus, it gives us an opportunity to make an old joke about Duke Nukem Forever, wherever it may be. This week\'s twoplayer game comic is called, Next Year. Swear to God.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com

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