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Search for 'women' returned 16 results.

Driver: Parallel Lines Review; Return of the Wheelman
game: Driver: Parallel Lines
review | 04/25/06 | Chris Martin
The Driver series that flourished on the PlayStation took a hit below the belt with the release of Driver 3. Now, Driver: Parallel Lines is back, brought to you by Atari and the men and women at Reflections. Is the fourth iteration in the Driver series the return to greatness we\'ve all been expecting and hoping for? Or does Driver: Parallel Lines only offer what we\'ve seen before at mediocre levels? Chris Martin has the final word inside.
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Women in Games International Announces Keynote Speaker
news | 02/02/06 | Laurie Taylor
Women in Games International, a non-profit organization in the interactive entertainment industry, today announced their keynote speaker for their next conference, Women in Games International-San Francisco. Robin Harper, SVP of Community and Support for Linden Lab, will present \"From the Virtual to the Real: How Second Life created an online world and community that strongly appeals to women, and how the virtual world has changed the real life of women participants.\"
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Videogame Industry Tops $10.5 Billion
news | 01/16/06 | Shawn Rider
As reported by GameDaily Biz, NPD Funworld calculates the videogame industry\'s take last year at around $10.5 billion. It looks like games have reached a major milestone, and that is thanks to some (possibly) surprising trends in 2005: portable gaming and female gamers. Sure, the Xbox 360 launch was a major boost to the industry in Q4, but the success of the industry in a highly transitional year (new console launches are never great for software sales) is attributed to handheld gaming and female gamers. Get more on this story right here.
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Women in Games International Conference: Industry Leaders Discuss Hot Career Topics
news | 12/07/05 | Laurie Taylor
Women in Games International, a non-profit organization in the interactive entertainment industry, today announced their next conference, Women in Games International-San Francisco, titled \"Games for Women, Games by Women.\" Scheduled on Saturday, February 18 from 1 pm to 6 pm at the Fort Mason Conference Center in San Francisco, this conference addresses the myth that women don\'t \"do\" games by discussing statistics, game genres and careers in game development. Check out the full story for the complete announcement about this conference.
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Lost Garden Challenges Conventional Wisdom of Game Industry
news | 11/11/05 | Shawn Rider
Danc from Lost Garden ruffled a lot of feathers with his article about Nintendo\'s Revolution controller a couple months ago (as did all the greatest gaming websites). Now he\'s come out again with another sharp bit of criticism and advice for the industry: Broaden your horizons, or remain a niche form of entertainment. It\'s easy to forget about how few gamers there really are when we put ourselves into communities where everyone shares our interests. Why is there such a crisis about getting women involved in gaming? Because ultimately, the games industry cannot survive if it does not diversify, both in the people who make games and in the people who play games. Danc\'s article is an absolute must-read for anyone who truly loves games.
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The Escapist Covers Women in Gaming
game: The Escapist
news | 11/01/05 | Shawn Rider
One of our most favorite new gaming websites (and we\'ve seen a lot of them) is The Escapist: http://www.escapistmagazine.com . The Escapist is a beautifully formatted PDF and Web zine available for free. They publish weekly, and have quickly risen to the top of the gaming journalism heap. Featuring incredibly smart and well-written articles from both well-known game journalists and newcomers, The Escapist regularly makes us really, really jealous. Their latest issue is up, and it deals with the timely topic of Women in Gaming: developers, players, etc. Check out the latest issue, and then browse their back issues for some of the greatest gaming coverage available.
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twoplayer comic: How to Advertise to Women
comic | 09/11/05 | Aaron Stanton
On September 10th, 2005 the Women in Games International Conference took place in Redmond, Washington at the Microsoft Campus. It was both interesting and informative, and it\'s a pity that there are not more conferences like it; this is a step in the right direction for diversity in the game industry. GamesFirst will have more coverage of the conference later on, but in the mean time we couldn\'t help but include a comic reference. Check out this week\'s twoplayer comic, How to Advertise to Women. Too many advertisers seem to take this comic to heart.

twoplayer game comics are published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com.
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Women in Games International Announces Conference in Seattle
news | 08/18/05 | Shawn Rider
Women in Games International is a recently-formed organization aimed at addressing the growing demand around the world for the involvement of women in game development and the gaming industry. Their first gathering has been set for September 10, in Seattle, WA, and will feature a diverse array of speakers. Read on for the official press release.
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GamesFirst! Holiday Wishlist! '04: Part 3
Articles Archive | 12/22/04 | Chris Martin
With less than three days until Christmas, it's crunch time for Santa and his helpers. We're all gearing up for big feasts, big trees, and for big game marathons with friends and family on an upcoming winter day. Still kids deep down inside, we're also gearing up for the Christmas morning tree rush, in which the grown men and women (or at least me) here at GF! give up adulthood for a moment and act like children again. What's the number one item we're hoping to find under the tree? Be sure to read Part I and II, posted over the last week or so, and then find out what's really got us hungry here in Part III. After you get done with that, relax, kick off your shoes, and have yourself a wonderful holiday, and a very merry Christmas!
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X-Men: Legends
game: X-Men: Legends
preview | 05/27/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The X-men (and even the X-women) are about to start fighting evil RPG style. Featuring 15 different playable characters and loads of adventure, this action RPG looks promising. Check out the preview right here.
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Secret Agent Barbie: The Royal Jewels Mission Review
game: Secret Agent Barbie: The Royal Jewels Mission
review | 11/17/02 | Jason Frank
Sure, it\'s a game for girls designed by men and marketed by women, but the thing is, Secret Agent Barbie: The Royal Jewels Mission is not a bad game for girls... or boys. Of course, it\'s not great either. Interesting gameplay and some minigames lengthen this very brief action game.
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EDITORIAL - What Women Want (From Gaming)
Articles Archive | 07/04/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
During the Nintendo press conference at E3, my mind began to wander somewhere that I'm sure they never intended; I began to think about? my mother. It all started during a promotional commercial for their new title, Animal Crossing, in which we see several seconds of humorous footage where a crazed-looking mother has stolen her child's GBA and is sitting at the kitchen table playing while her child attempts to wrest it from her grasp. I couldn't help but recall the stolen hours that my mother had spent on games such as Space Invaders and Legend of Zelda, Tomb Raider and Riven. These were seemingly decadent hours that I'm sure my father thought could have been spent more productively. But as I remember, her gaming was no less earnest than that of her offspring, and I believe she had no less (dare I say it?) fun.
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Editorial: What Women Want (From Gaming)
editorial | 06/04/02 | Monica Hafer
We saw the guys from WomenGamers.com at E3. Just the guys. We had two women with us on GF! staff, Sarah and Monica, and each year we\'ve noticed more and more women at the show who aren\'t there to sucker guys who haven\'t seen the sun since 1994 to take their photo. But anyone with a sister or mom knows that women dig videogames. Still, women are not quite fully integrated into the gaming world, and Monica has some thoughts about that in her editorial, What Women Want (From Gaming). You really need to read it. Click here.
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WildTangent: Divergent Business Model for Online Gaming and Distribution
Articles Archive | 05/28/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Although they sounded intriguing, it wasn't the martinis and massages that lured me into the WildTangent room at E3. As a member of the media, the invites for drinks were as free flowing as T-shirts and temporary tattoos for the normal E3 attendee. Yet, as I was winding my way through the mayhem that is E3, I was surprised to see a rather large woman in a purple shirt handing out gamedisks. With quasi-anorexic booth babes the norm in this venue, I was surprised to note that all of the WildTangent women (as that's who they were) were larger-than-life and exceptionally friendly. I wondered, "Who would be so bold as to flaut tradition and hire large, fully clothed women to entice players to check out a booth?" The answer turned out to be a company that has used just such divergent thinking in all areas of their marketing: WildTangent.
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EDITORIAL - Console Knuckledraggers
Articles Archive | 01/01/00 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Catch the Winter X Games? During the women's slopestyle competition, one of the riders pulled a double-grab 360. The announcer hollered, "ding ding ding," and called the trick. It struck me that he was making a Coolboarders reference. The video games are affecting the sport itself.
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