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Search for 'web comics' returned 1 results.

1UP Takes a Look at Gaming Webcomics: Forgets the TP
news | 11/08/05 | Shawn Rider
1UP.com has a good history of web comics dedicated to videogames. It walks through all the major players, from current videogame comic and freedom-fighting Juggernaut, Penny Arcade, to foundational titles like PvP and 8-Bit Theater. These mighty three have spun off entire genres in a fledgling industry, and many have made their rise side by side with the indy gaming website scene. Of course, there\'s no mention of Twoplayer, which has been recognized by sites like Joystiq as not totally sucking. Nevertheless, it\'s a good read and if any of the comics discussed are not on your webcomic radar, then you are really missing out. Check out the 1UP article here: Will Strip for Games: Gaming Comics Online
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