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Search for 'tokyo game show' returned 9 results.

Screens from N3: Ninety-Nine Nights
game: N3: Nintety-Nine Nights
news | 09/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Tetsuya Mizuguchi is most well-known for his rhythm-based experimental games Rez and Lumines. Both of these games have been major cult hits, and Mizuguchi continues to explore these areas. But in his new title for Xbox 360, N3: Ninety-Nine Nights, Mizuguchi puts you in control of a badass fighter slaughtering oceans of enemies. It looks a lot like playing Dynasty Warriors on acid, and we\'ve got the screens to prove it.
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Brand New Perfect Dark Zero Screen, Music, Bio
game: Perfect Dark Zero
news | 09/30/05 | Shawn Rider
Perfect Dark Zero has so far been one of the most enigmatic Xbox 360 launch titles. After showing us glimpses of 50 player multiplayer on their MTV Xbox 360 unveiling, we expected to see PDZ at E3. But it wasn\'t there. It was at Tokyo Game Show, and we recently posted some links to some shakey-cam footage of PDZ gameplay which has us all debating the relative greatness potential for the game. Details are still slow to come out about Perfect Dark Zero, but we have one screen and an MP3 of one of the music tracks from the game to pass on.
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Ask Me About the Revolution
news | 09/22/05 | Aaron Stanton
Chris Kohler, contributor to Wired Magazine, had a chance to take Nintendo\'s Revolution for a run while he was at the Tokyo Game Show, and he\'s opened himself to questions. He\'s generously started a thread over on the Gaming-Age forums where he offers to answer people\'s requests for information. While the questions are not always great, Chris\'s responses are very informative, including discussing Metroid and how it felt on the controller. We personally don\'t recommend reading every post on the forum, but we do recommend that you scan down the page looking for every post by Kobun Heat, which is Chris Kohler\'s handle. That\'s where the goodies are.
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GF! Weekly Wrap-Up
podcast | 09/18/05 | Val Townsend
This week\'s Wrap-Up features the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show, including news of the Nintendo Revolution controller and Xbox 360 release dates. This week\'s reviews feature Big Mutha Truckers 2 (PS2, Xbox), Beatdown: Fists of Vengeance (PS2, Xbox), and Rainbow Six: Lockdown (PS2, Xbox). Val also takes an early look at Lost in Blue for Nintendo DS, which looks like it will be a cool survival sim. You know you can\'t wait for it.
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First Impressions of the Revolution Controller
editorial | 09/16/05 | George Holomshek
George, our resident Nintendophile, rolls around some ideas about the newly revealed Revolution controller. With few details to go on, George outlines some of the potential of the new controller, as well as some of our reservations (such as, what is the legal limit to the number of \"dongle\" jokes we can make in a single article?). Check out his impressions of the Revolution controller in this editorial.
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Revolution Controller REVEALED
news | 09/16/05 | Shawn Rider
Nintendo has finally revealed their groundbreaking controller design for the upcoming Nintendo Revolution console. And it\'s a... remote?!? Sure to cause widespread outbreaks of whiplash as gamers everywhere do a massive doubletake, this proves two things: First, Nintendo has the cojones of a Tanuki. Second, well, Nintendo has some real big balls. Get the scoop on what actually sounds like it could be a real revolution in gaming control (once you get past the doofiness) right here.
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Are We 12 Days From the Revolution?
news | 09/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
Will Nintendo unveil the Revolution controller at the Tokyo Game Show in 12 days? There\'s been a lot of speculation on the Internet that Nintendo President Satoru Iwata will hold nothing back when the show arrives, showing off the controller and the first screenshots of actual Revolution games. Is it going to happen? The source of these rumors is somewhat difficult to track down, so no one is willing to say for sure. Still, it seems like as good a place as any for a major policy shift, right? While Nintendo has found tremendous success in the handheld market (Nintendogs, anyone?), they've consistently fallen behind in the home console arena. The Revolution is their chance to turn it around.
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KOEI Announces Game Lineup for Tokyo Game Show
news | 08/12/05 | Shawn Rider
Koei has announced some new titles they will display at the Tokyo Game Show, which starts Friday, Sept. 16.
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Blizzard Announces StarCraft: Ghost for Console Systems
news | 09/21/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Tokyo Game Show started yesterday, and already there have been some major bombs dropped. Topping the list today is the announcement, complete with screenshots, of Blizzard\'s latest foray into the console market, StarCraft: Ghost. Featuring a new style of play than the older StarCraft titles, SC:G will make it\'s way to multiple console platforms and be co-published in Japan with Capcom. Click here for details.
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