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Search for 'text-based' returned 3 results.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
game: Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
review | 06/18/06 | Jason Perkins
Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators receives a second review here at GamesFirst after impressing one of our editors enough to be compared to Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This strategy game from the Russian developer 1C brings the open-ended nature of Oblivion into space, dumping the player into an immense universe with tons of gameplay. Working your way through the steep learning curve might be difficult, but the variety of gameplay, quality of game experience, and budget price make it well worth the battle.
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IF Comp 2005 Open for Voting
news | 10/08/05 | Shawn Rider
Entries for the 11th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition are in, and the competition is now open for voting. The Interactive Fiction Competition has been a major factor in the recent renaissance of the \"text adventure,\" aka Interactive Fiction. Plenty of new writers are using open source tools to make some amazing stories, the likes of which were never found in the Infocom catalog. And if you get that joke, you\'re exactly the kind of person who should check this out. Read on for more about how you can participate.
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