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Search for 'tactical' returned 14 results.

Brigade E5: New Jagged Union Review
game: Brigade E5: New Jagged Union
review | 12/05/06 | Jason Perkins
Attempting to capitalize on the void left by the \'90s classic Jagged Alliance, Brigade E5: New Jagged Union brings mercenary strategy back to the PC. Sadly, with a poor graphics engine, buggy gameplay, and portions of the dialog that someone forgot to translate from the original Russian during the English conversion of the game, Brigade is a train wreck. The mulitplayer isn\'t functional and the game will sometimes miss event triggers after you beat a mission. Solid it concept, sluggish in execution, you\'ll want to avoid Jagged Union until patches make it playable.
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Generation of Chaos Review
game: Generation of Chaos
review | 04/20/06 | Matt James
Generation of Chaos is an anime-styled tactical RPG that features, as its main selling point, massive battles with upwards of 30 combatants on each side. It sounds really cool, and tactical RPGs (think FF Tactics or Arc the Lad) can be so much fun. Unfortunately, Generaton of Chaos features so many obscure menus that it ends up being about as much fun as Microsoft Word. Be sure to check out Matt\'s review before venturing into the chaos.
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Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter Screenshots
game: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
news | 02/07/06 | Aaron Stanton
It\'s been a little while since the release of the Xbox 360 in November of last year, and some of us are starting to feel a little thirsty for new games. Ubisoft decided to remind us what we\'re all waiting for by releasing screenshots of their upcoming Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. This tactical shooter for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360 is looking to be - potentially - one of the best releases of the year. Of course, this wouldn\'t be the first Tom Clancy based game to look good, and then play poorly. Time will tell, but it doesn\'t hurt to salivate a little.
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Shattered Union Review
game: Shattered Union
review | 11/28/05 | Rick Fehrenbacher
While Shattered Union offers a great setting (near-future American Civil War) along with your basic old school turn-based wargaming, it doesn\'t do nearly enough with the setting, and the turn-based tactical game is unfortunately overshadowed by a god-awful campaign mode. Rick delivers the bottom line in his review.
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New Darwinia Demo
game: Darwinia
news | 10/23/05 | Shawn Rider
Darwinia is an indy game that really shows how cool indy games can be. Set in a strange computer cyber world, Darwinia takes some of the coolest gameplay and graphics elements we\'ve seen in games and combines them into a really wonderful package that feels sharp, stylish, and is immensely playable. Fans of RTS and tactical squad-based games should definitely check out Darwinia, and anyone who loves that retro computer graphics look will be blown away by Darwinia\'s retro-future visuals. Get the latest version of the demo to appreciate Darwinia in its full glory.
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Brand New Gears of War Screens
game: Gears of War
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Gears of War is the new shooter from Cliffy B and the crew at Epic that\'s got everyone going, \"Damn!\" The visuals here are absolutely incredible, from the dirty textures of a wartorn humanity pitted against monstrous enemies from the bowels of the Earth, to the delicate lighting effects that challenge the greatest cinematographers and most sensitive painterly visions. We can only hope that the gameplay and story live up to the huge graphical promise of Unreal Engine 3. Check out these screens for a real idea of what the Xbox 360 can do.
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Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood Screens Trickle Out
game: Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
news | 08/21/05 | Shawn Rider
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is a World War II-based tactical military shooter, and is known for its realism and attention to strategic detail. Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood is the sequel to Road to Hill 30, following closely on the heels of its predecessor. Get the latest screenshots here.
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Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
game: Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
review | 04/07/05 | Chris Martin
In a genre crowded with other titles based on similar concepts, how can a World War II FPS distinguish itself? In Brothers in Arms' case, you simply craft an experience with such detail and attention to the atmosphere of war that the player can't help but feel the bullets zipping by their head. Put aside all those other games that try to offer authentic WWII fighting experience; no one does the job quite as well as Gearbox Software's Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30. Be sure to read the full review.
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Galaxies Ablaze
game: Galaxies Ablaze
review | 03/29/05 | Blaine Krumpe
Galaxies Ablaze is a unique indy game that focuses on deep strategic and tactical gameplay. Hardcore sci-fi grognards and serious RTS fans should check this one out, and it's free, so it's easy to do that. But with the focus placed on gameplay and a serious lack of graphical game feedback, this is not one for the casual fan or anyone looking for pretty pictures.
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Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
game: Ubisoft Focus: Brothers in Arms
preview | 01/05/05 | Aaron Stanton
Take a look at Brothers in Arms, a tactical shooter aiming to offer one of the most realistic WWII experiences in gaming history. Taking place over terrain modeled on actual maps of real world battle locations, Brothers in Arms looks to offer an engaging and intense story with all the gameplay goodness of other Ubisoft titles like Rainbow Six 3. Check it out.
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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 11/26/04 | Blaine Krumpe
There's nothing quite like a little realism in a tactical game. Originally developed as a training tool for the U.S. Military, Full Spectrum Warrior tries to separate itself from other strategy games by offering action designed to be like the real thing. Can you keep your soldiers alive under hostile fire? FSW let's you find out.
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Full Spectrum Warrior
game: Full Spectrum Warrior
review | 07/10/04 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Cover. Flank. Move. Shoot. Repeat. THQ and Pandemic bring us Full Spectrum Warrior, a tactical shooter that aims for an unprecedented level of realism. But does the new level of realism make it great, or just slow it down? Click here to let Steffan take you through some of the ups and downs of modern urban combat.
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Planetside Review
game: Planetside
review | 08/10/03 | Aaron Stanton
Sony Online Entertainment looks to build a great sci-fi MMORPG with Planetside. This epic game features tactical squad-based action, loads of vehicles, amazingly cool weapons and items, and one of the best soundtracks we\'ve heard. But that\'s not all.
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US Special Forces: Team Factor Review (PC)
game: US Special Forces: Team Factor
review | 12/16/02 | Eric Qualls
Xicat Interactive brings us another military-based tactical first person shooter, and it feels a lot like Counterstrike except bad. US Special Forces: Team Factor has pitiful graphics and terrible sound. The single player mode is pretty cruddy, and the multiplayer is hindered by the fact that nobody wants to play it. Click.
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