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Search for 'second life' returned 3 results.

Second Life Protest Turns Violent; Destroys the Indestructible
game: Second Life
news | 01/18/07 | Aaron Stanton
Occasionally, real-life politics and games meet one another in a way that doesn\'t involve blaming them for the ills of society. On the eve of Martin Luther King Jr.\'s day of honor, a protest in Second Life against a real-world political group nearly brought the servers to a standstill. After hours of battle, the building of the French political party Front National - located in a part of the game where players can\'t hurt each other - had ceased to exist, destroyed by either a technical glitch or a deliberate decision to pull the building. Luckily, Wagner James Au from New World Notes was there to write about it in detail, describing the interesting blend of the real and fantasy that belongs entirely to the art of video games.
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Women in Games International Announces Keynote Speaker
news | 02/02/06 | Laurie Taylor
Women in Games International, a non-profit organization in the interactive entertainment industry, today announced their keynote speaker for their next conference, Women in Games International-San Francisco. Robin Harper, SVP of Community and Support for Linden Lab, will present \"From the Virtual to the Real: How Second Life created an online world and community that strongly appeals to women, and how the virtual world has changed the real life of women participants.\"
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Virtual Game Tringo Makes the Leap to Reality
game: Tringo
news | 09/20/05 | Shawn Rider
Tringo is a combination of Tetris and Bingo. Yeah, that\'s weird enough. But the story of its creation is even more unusual: Kermitt Quirk, a player in Second Life, created Tringo in-game and sells it to other Second Lifers. Now Crave has picked it up to sell it to real-life gamers for GBA. This could be the perfect accompaniment to that cute new GB Micro. Read the official press relesae from Crave here.
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