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Search for 'pretty colors' returned 3 results.

Hey Mr. Console DJ
game: Beatmania
preview | 02/24/06 | Amanda Bateman
Now you too can be hip and happening like the popular night club DJs after getting your hands on Beatmania, a groovy new Playstation 2 title! Well, not really, but it\'s fun to pretend. The predecessor to Dance Dance Revolution, Beatmania is finally making its first appearance in the States. But is finger-disc jockeying really for you? Amanda\'s got the preview here.
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Pretty Colors and Lens Flare: Why Graphics Matter
editorial | 09/08/05 | Shawn Rider
There is a raging debate going on right now about the next generation of gaming consoles. For many, it can be summed up like this: Do prettier graphics justify an entirely new generation? Are the graphics in the next generation enough of an improvement to justify an entirely new generation? With game development cycles getting longer and hardware cycles getting shorter, it\'s entirely appropriate to address the issue of whether or not the next generation of home consoles is really worth it.
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Centipede on Game.com
game: Centipede
review | 09/19/99 | Shawn Rider
Hasbro\'s famous development house, Atari, brings us a port of the classic arcade game Centipede. Featuring all of the action, but none of the pretty colors, this version of Centipede is relatively humdrum.
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