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Search for 'historical' returned 15 results.

Nancy Drew: Danger by Design, A Fun and Girl Positive Game
game: Nancy Drew: Danger by Design
review | 09/25/06 | Laurie Taylor
Nancy Drew is fast becoming known as a video game character combating stereotypes. Yes, you read correctly, on top of being an adolescent sleuth she\'s also a kick-in-the-teeth to top-heavy, silver-haired bombshells who are so prevalent in gaming nowadays. In \"Danger by Design,\" Nancy takes on the fashion and food industries in classic adventure game point-and-click fare. Our girl game guru Lauri is here to tell us why Nancy Drew: Danger by Design is great for young girl gamers and also gets a parental--as well as political--seal of approval.

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Take Command: 2nd Manassas Review
game: Take Command: 2nd Manassas
review | 05/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
Normally, historical war games cater to the hardcore. Learning to play them takes a significant investment in time, and you\'ll still find yourself losing after hours of gameplay. Now, Mad Minute Games has introduced Take Command: 2nd Manassas, a war game based in the U.S. Civil War that is almost accessible enough for casual gamers. Well, almost. With excellent A.I. that helps keep unwanted micromanagement to a minimum, Take Command: 2nd Manassas offers a solid middle ground between the hardcore and the casual. If you\'re looking to step into the genre of historical RTS, this might not be a bad place to test the water. Get Sean\'s review here.
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Samurai Warriors is Gold: Website Even Better
game: Samurai Warriors: State of War
news | 02/16/06 | Shawn Rider
Koei\'s latest historical Asian brawler is heading to PSP in the very near future. Samurai Warriors: State of War has gone gold and is in production as you read this. In addition to announcing the impending launch, Koei also sends word of a revamped website for Samurai Warriors: State of War. The new site is sized and optimized for the PSP\'s small screen web browser. That is a nice touch for PSP owners, who can browse the web with the browser included on the handheld gaming system. Get more details about Samurai Warriors here.
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The First Da Vinci Code Screenshots Released
game: The Da Vinci Code
news | 02/09/06 | Aaron Stanton
The Da Vinci Code was and is one of the best mystery books ever published. By combining historical references with symbolic knowledge and a bit of reasoned speculation, The Da Vinci Code paints an engrossing image of traditional Western theology. In many ways, it\'s the ultimate mystery. Now, 2K Games has released the first screenshots of the video game based on the movie, which of course, is based on the book. How well the story will translate into either movie or game is yet to be seen, but some of us here at GF have high hopes; The Da Vinci Code\'s depth makes it perfect for an art medium that can combine pictures, interactive discovery, and an experience longer than 3 hours.
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Cult of Mithras Screens
game: Cult of Mithras
news | 02/06/06 | Shawn Rider
Slitherine Strategies recently hit GF! with the very respectable Legion Arena, a Roman-themed strategy war title with a shallow learning curve and some surprisingly good gameplay. Now, they are hard at work on Cult of Mithras, an expansion to Legion Arena that combines ancient history and ancient mythology. Now you\'ll pit Roman legions against armies of ghosts, shadow warriors, or fire demons, and fight for your gods as you battle your way to Elysium. Featuring enhanced graphics noticeably better than the original game, the latest screens from Cult of Mithras look great. Check them out here.
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Wild ARMs 4 Review
game: Wild ARMs 4
review | 02/05/06 | Amanda Bateman
XSEED\'s debut title Wild ARMs 4, the American localization of Wild ARMs: The 4th Detonator, is finally here, sporting flashy art, a new battle system, and its share of extras and secrets. But is it worth your gella to go out and grab it? Very likely. Featuring some improvements over some of the series\' historical rough spots, Wild ARMs 4 is some of the best gaming the franchise has to offer. Check out Amanda\'s review, right here.
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Legion Arena
game: Legion Arena
review | 01/30/06 | Blaine Krumpe
While Legion Arena may have a lot to live up to in the historical strategy genre (like Rome: Total War), the war title from publisher Strategy First and developer Slitherin Soft. does a fairly good job of being its own game. Not as deep as Rome: Total War, but not as frustrating or as difficult, either. If you\'re looking for something to take you back in time but not drive you insane at the same time, Legion Arena offers a fun experience without the punishment for losing. Legion Arena operates on the concept that, sometimes, too deep a strategy title just isn\'t fun.
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Shadow Hearts 3: A Whole New World...Sort Of
game: Shadow Hearts 3: From The New World
preview | 01/20/06 | Amanda Bateman
The Shadow Hearts RPG series returns with its third installment, From The New World. Join Johnny Garland and his crew as they set out to solve the mystery of his family and past, all while mastering skills and battling monsters. All of this takes place in a funky anime version of New York in the 1920s, giving it total niche cred. This one is sure to become a cult fave and maintains the quality of the Shadow Hearts series. Check out Amanda\'s preview here.
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Kameo Screens From X05
game: Kameo: Elements of Power
news | 10/05/05 | Shawn Rider
Rare\'s long-in-development Kameo: Elements of Power has made gamers oddly curious for over half a decade now. We\'re curious about the great graphics, lush game world, Xbox Live multiplayer, and, of course, Rare\'s reputation for delivering great titles. But it\'s odd because the game has been in development since it first debuted on N64, then moved to GameCube, and finally will land on Xbox 360 this Fall. Historically, such business shenanigans are not good for a game. We\'ll find out this Fall when we finally get our hands on Kameo: Elements of Power. In the meantime, here are some new screens.
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Civ IV New Screens Released!
game: Civilization IV
news | 09/09/05 | Chris Martin
Publisher 2K Games decided to rain on our parade today and, lucky for us, the rain is made up of screen shots from the upcoming Sid Meier game Civilization IV! Focus today is on the civics system that allow for a dynamic government.
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E3 2005: Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
game: E3 2005: Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
preview | 05/30/05 | Laurie Taylor
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is more of the same and a little something different. With no characters modeled on real actors (alive or dead), this incarnation focuses on the gameplay and the basic features fans of the series love.
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Call of Duty: United Offensive
game: Call of Duty: United Offensive
review | 11/16/04 | Rick Fehrenbacher
Call of Duty remains a popular WWII game. Known for it's cinematic gameplay and an intense single player mode, CoD managed to topple the Medal of Honor franchise for top solo historical action. Call of Duty: United Offensive brings more solo action and enhanced multiplayer to the game, both of which are welcome additions.
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PSP vs. Next-Generation Game Boy
preview | 09/12/03 | Gary Wong
A lot of this year\'s E3 buzz was about SOny\'s PSP handheld gaming device. That\'s a lot of talk about somehting no one has seen before, as Gary Wong tells us. GF\'s newest writer delivers a fantasic analysis of the handheld market, a look at its historical context, and it\'s chance at knocking off Nintendo\'s handheld behemoth
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Sony PSP
Articles Archive | 09/12/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
A lot of this year's E3 buzz was about Sony's PSP handheld gaming device. That's a lot of talk about somehting no one has seen before, as Gary Wong tells us. GF's newest writer delivers a fantasic analysis of the handheld market, a look at its historical context, and it's chance at knocking off Nintendo's handheld behemoth. Click here for a look at the future of handheld gaming.
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Stronghold: Crusader Review
game: Stronghold: Crusader
review | 11/06/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Take Two Interactive brings us a sequel to their popular castle sim. Stonghold: Crusader allows you to play through somewhat historically based campaigns through the Holy Land and features a more robust real time strategy component. Build it up and tear it down. Click here.
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