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Search for 'flight' returned 9 results.

The PS3 Afterthought: Hands on with Warhawk
game: Warhawk
preview | 05/20/06 | Jeremy Kauffman
Overall, Sony\'s PlayStation 3 area was pathetic (and less crowded than we\'ve ever seen at the Sony booth since 1999). Other than anti-aliasing issues, wonky early builds, and (at best) 360-quality graphics, there wasn\'t much to talk about. Except one thing: Sony did surprise everyone by announcing a me-too technology that adds tilt-sensitivity to the PS3 controller. How did that work out? Well, Jeremy took some time with the showcase title for the new tilt-controls, Warhawk, a flight combat game that shows how any new control element, no matter how small, can make a moderate game kind of sort of fun. Get the full details here.
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Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Review
game: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
review | 05/07/06 | Matt James
Ubisoft\'s Blazing Angels has a lot to overcome: It\'s another WWII game, and there was a little game for the original Xbox called Crimson Skies that made \"a bit\" of a splash. Fortunately, it has some spectacular graphics, and the air combat focus opens up parts of the war that are generally not exploited. Still, there are some flaws, and Blazing Angels has proven to be a tricky evaluation for our man, Matt. Check out his review here.
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twoplayer comic: Best Source for Next-Gen Rumors
comic | 05/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
E3 is here! At least, for me it is. The west coast GF! crew boards a plane during tomorrow\'s wee-early morning hours for our flight down to L.A. That means that today\'s twoplayer comic - Best Source for Next-Gen Rumors - also marks the beginning of our weeklong E3 series of twoplayer. We\'ll have one new TP comic going up a day for the rest of the week. Course, they\'ll show up along with the rest of this year\'s E3 coverage. There\'s going to be lots of it, so be sure to check in regularly.

Twoplayer comic is published every Sunday at http://comics.gamesfirst.com
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Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
game: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
review | 12/26/04 | Jeremy Kauffman
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War brings us the same great action we've come to expect from the franchise. If blowing things up in a jet and really gorgeous visuals are for you, but you can't be bothered with the details of true flight sims, then the Ace Combat games are ideal. Unsung War is no different: Great graphics and tight, easy controls, mixed with a few new feature and a totally laughable storyline mark this as a game for the more arcade-oriented flight enthusiast.
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight
game: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight
review | 08/12/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Our man Thomas, the only reviewer we have whose airstrip is actually featured in Microsoft's Flight Sim series, takes MS Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight out for a spin. The verdict: We don't want to spill the beans, but this one should satiate all those flight sim fanatics looking for a little something new. Click here for more.
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MS Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight Review
game: MS Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight
review | 08/10/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Our man Thomas, the only reviewer we have whose airstrip is actually featured in Microsoft\'s Flight Sim series, takes MS Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight out for a spin. The verdict: We don\'t want to spill the beans, but this one should satiate all those flight sim fanatics looking for a little something new.
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MS Combat Flight Simulator 3 Review (PC)
game: MS Combat Flight Simulator 3
review | 12/10/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Our guy in the sky, Thomas, returns to give us the lowdown on the latest installment of Microsoft\'s venerable WWII flight sim franchise. Combat Flight Simulator 3 packs in a load of new planes, a new dynamic mission system, and some improved ground-level graphics. It\'s not revolutionary, but it is a very solid update to a well loved series. Click here for more.
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Lethal Skies Elite Pilot: Team SW Review
game: Lethal Skies Elite Pilot: Team SW
review | 06/19/02 | Eric Qualls
Sammy breaks out with a new take on the combat flight sim. Lethal Skies Elite Pilot: Team SW offers some cool flying with a cool backstory, but ends up pulling short just before the runway. Some cool graphical effects aren\'t enough to make this one rise above the rest of the genre. Click here.
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MS Combat Flight Sim 3 Preview (PC)
game: MS Combat Flight Sim 3
preview | 05/29/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft doesn\'t have to worry about whether or not it will be a big hit, but the effort poured into MS Combat Flight Sim 3 is well deserved and will be very appreciated. Infinitely variable missions, enhanced ground graphics, and tons of bells and whistles are a few reasons this title will be the best in the series so far. Click here for more.
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