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Search for 'emulation' returned 2 results.

Revolution Coming in May? With a New Name?
game: Nintendo Revolution
news | 11/28/05 | Shawn Rider
The Revolution is shaping up to be a phenomenal console, what with built-in emulation for every previous Nintendo console, downloadable retro games, online gaming, and a unique controller that has spawned huge debates about the future of gaming. Kotaku has gotten the early word on Nintendo\'s E3 Press Conference, which will be held May 9, 2006. The letter from Nintendo refers to \"our next home console, code-named Revolution,\" which has us wondering if we won\'t hear about the long-rumored console name-change. In addition, Kotaku points us to an article on Revolution Report about a patent application that defines an interface not unlike the Xbox Dashboard. Click on over and get the advanced word. We\'ll follow all of these assertions as details unfold.
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Microsoft Releases Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility List
game: Xbox 360
news | 11/12/05 | Aaron Stanton
Microsoft has released an initial list of Xbox games that will be supported for emulation on Xbox 360. We know Halo and Halo 2 will be featured (and it\'s rumored that they will sport some kind of extra buffs and/or graphical polish), but what else can we expect? Just to save you some time and alleviate your worries, we\'re glad to confirm the following titles are on the supported games list: Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue, Circus Maximus, BMX XXX, and the entire Cabela\'s Xbox catalog. So you\'re pretty much covered.
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