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Search for 'car' returned 160 results.

Pirates of the Burning Sea Goes Open Beta
game: Pirates of the Burning Sea
preview | 12/05/07 | Jamie Gergen
It\'s 1720 A.D. and the seas of the Carribean are the new battlefront for the powers of Europe. Pirates, Privateers, and Free Traders cruise the waters in search of their fortunes, while Navy ships of the line keep as much order as one can with fleets of Pirates sailing their dark colors from the mast. Like pages from a Patrick O\'Brien novel, Pirates of the Burning Sea brings the life on the sea to your computer with fantastic success.
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PGR 4 Review
game: Project Gotham Racing 4
review | 10/24/07 | Chris Martin
Fans of racing games take note: Project Gotham Racing 4 is a dream come true--lots of exotic cars, tons of tracks, weather effects, Bulldog Mode, and a rock-solid career mode to boot. Oh yeah, and motorcycles. PGR4 might be working a gamer niche that is already supersaturated by the likes of Forza, PGR3, and Burnout. But it still manages, despite it\'s competition, to be a furiously enjoyable racer with more variety than it perhaps knows what to do with.
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Forza Motorsport 2 Gets Second Pack of Cars, Free SEAT Leon Cupra
news | 09/22/07 | Chris Martin
The second downloadable pack for Forza Motorsport 2 has jsut been released, for 400 Microsoft Points. This pack is substantially meatier than the last one, including various cars from seven different manufacturers. A few Civics, two Lambos, and even a Saturn come our way this week. But for all you Le Mans fans, the gorgeous 2006 Audi R10 (#8 Audi Sport Team Joest) Prototype will be enough to entice you.
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Hands-On with Sega Rally Revo (Plus Brand New Super Car Pics)
game: Sega Rally Revo
preview | 09/10/07 | Chris Martin
This year we got to play tons of games at PAX 07, and of them, SEGA Rally Revo, the next iteration of the SEGA Rally franchise, was on display. The series has seen quite a few versions on the now defunct N-Gage and Dreamcast, as well as one on PlayStation 2, PC, and wireless. Simply, the series has \"been around the track\" if you know what I mean. Now, we bring you our impressions of SEGA\'s next evolution of the franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3: SEGA Rally Revo. All this and screenshots of the just-announced Super Cars inside!
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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Gleemax *But Were Afraid to Ask
game: Gleemax
editorial | 09/06/07 | Chris Martin
We went in expecting Magic the Gathering Online Version 3, but what we got was much, much bigger than we anticipated. PAX 07 was great for a number of reasons - concerts, contests, Family Feud - but Wizards of the Coast\'s ace in the hole Gleemax took us aback, slapped us around, and handed to us the most complete vision of an online gaming community we\'ve ever seen. Complete with indie game developer support, event hosting, and cross-game currency and trading. Don\'t know about Gleemax? You should, and here\'s why...
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BioShock BioShock BioShock Bioshock...BioShock!
game: BioShock
news | 08/29/07 | Chris Martin
Tired of news about BioShock? We hear you. While our review is still baking in the oven, getting crispy on the edges, we came across a neat little factoid for all you fans of the old jest: \"My game is better, ha, ha!\" For it appears that BioShock not only has become critically received as one of the best games of all time, not only this year. According to www.Gamerankings.com, Bioshock has supplanted Resident Evil 4 in the #4 highest ranked game of all time, just below The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64), Soul Calibur (DC), and Metroid Prime (GC).
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Federal Judge Ronald Whyte Delcares California 'Violent Video Game Act' Unconstitutional
news | 08/07/07 | Chris Martin
Another attempt by yet another state of the union to pass an unconstitutional bill prohibiting the sale of \'violent\' videogames to minors has been squashed.

The bill, which would have imposed a $1000 dollar fine on any retailer if they sold a violent video game to minors, has before now seen preliminary injunction in late 2005, otherwise it would have gone into effect January 1, 2006. Since then the bill was pending investigation...
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Fatal Inertia Preview
game: Fatal Inertia
preview | 08/02/07 | Chris Martin
The Fatal Inertia Demo arrived on Xbox Live the other day and now we have an idea of what Koei has been up to. While not a direct descendent of WipEout, it takes some key ingredients - namely the hovering cars and the weapons, which can be acquired by passing over pods of colored light on the racetrack. Racetrack, however, is used lightly, as you speed through canyons, not between buildings in this high-velocity sci-fi racer.
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Halo 3 to feature 4 Player Co-Op, 2 New Characters to Join Previous Heroes
game: Halo 3
news | 08/01/07 | Chris Martin
I intentionally avoided, up until now, posting news about Halo 3 - pics notwithstanding - because, frankly, I don\'t care to learn about the levels or the neat gizmos the good Master Chief will be using this time around, ahead of time. They, to me, are spoilers. I am at the point where I just want to play the game for myself and be surprised. I am breaking my rule now because the latest news about Halo 3 steps beyond that broad line of \"developer hype.\" Today Bungie officially confirmed that Halo 3 will feature 4 player Co-op play over Xbox Live and System Link. It\'s that kind of important news that just needs to be boldface.
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Forza 2 Gets 4 New Cars in First Downloadable Pack
game: Forza Motorsport 2
news | 08/01/07 | Chris Martin
It didn\'t take long for Turn 10\'s gearheaded staff to release the first of, what I assume will be, many downloadable packs for Forza Motorsport 2. In this pack they bring us four cars. The first three come from Nissan and are free for all: 2007 Sentra SE-R, 2007 Altima, 2007 350Z. The fourth car is the second place winner of this year\'s Le Mans: the Peugeot 908 race car - costing 50 gamerpoints (not bad). The Peugeot is also the first racecar (R4-1 class), as gamers will note, that can be painted.
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Carcassonne XBLA Review
game: Carcassonne
review | 07/11/07 | Chris Martin
Hot on the heels of Settlers of Catan, which invaded XBLA last month, Carcassonne, the board game based on the fortified city in France of the same name, comes to Xbox Live Arcade in a very worthy package. While slightly pricy at 800 microsoft points, Carcassonne is an excellent strategy game for up to 4 people locally, or 5 over Xbox Live, although you\'ll find it best with only two or three.
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Forza Motorsport 2 Review
game: Forza Motorsport 2
review | 06/29/07 | Chris Martin
Turn 10 and Microsoft Game Studios bring us the sequel to the critically acclaimed and commecrially successful Forza Motorsport with more cars, updated graphics, and a heftier customization system. Guaranteed to fulfill all your mid-life crises and car tuning fantasies, Forza Motorsport 2 is the next best thing in the world of racing games. And with the price of gas nowadays, what are you waiting for?
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Aegis Wing XBLA - Review
review | 05/17/07 | Chris Martin
\"A gift to gamers\" indeed. Microsoft\'s interns and Carbonated Games of Uno fame have made a wonderful shooter that just comes up on the short-lived side of things. Still, this one shouldn\'t be missed, not for being able to play 4 player coop over live or local, not for the sweet boss battles, and not, especially not, for the brevity.
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Forza Motorsport 2 Demo: In-Depth Hands-On
game: Forza Motorsport 2
preview | 05/11/07 | Chris Martin
Forza Motorsport 2 is all about the cars. It\'s about loving them, tricking them out, customizing them, and collecting them. The game has, indeed, gone gold, but, not satisfied with that, the FM2 Demo has been released. The Forza Motorsport 2 Demo hit live yesterday at 2:00 a.m. PST, and now, having taken each car in the demo many, many times around Italy\'s Mugello track, we have our impressions.
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night comes to XBLA March 21st
game: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
news | 03/16/07 | Chris Martin
One of the greatest 2D platformers ever created and certainly the best Castlevania game yet, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night will be hitting Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday (March 21). Blending a memorable storyline and iconic characters (you play as Dracula\'s son, Alucard, fer crissakes!), RPG elements, and a long (read: MASSIVE) game, SOTN is going to be a huge release for Xbox Live Arcade.
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