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Search for 'War games' returned 5 results.

Call Of Duty 3 Review
game: Call Of Duty 3
review | 02/27/07 | Matt James
Apparently, gamers will never get tired of killing Nazis. The Call of Duty franchise proves this formula by standing out amongst the many WWII shooters released every year. How does Call of Duty 3 stack up against its predecessor? Check out Matt\'s review to find out.
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Shall we play a game? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War.
game: DEFCON
review | 10/04/06 | Chris Galbraith
Introversion scored big with Darwinia, a game well-known for its unorthodox graphics and approach. Now, the indy developers from Britain have released the next big thing: Defcon. Defcon puts players in control of a huge nuclear arsenal to duke out doomsday using an interface that looks straight out of the classic game/nuke movie, War Games. Would you like to play a game? How about Global Thermonuclear War? Get the full story from our intrepid strategist Chris G.
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Take Command: 2nd Manassas Review
game: Take Command: 2nd Manassas
review | 05/22/06 | Sean Hilliard
Normally, historical war games cater to the hardcore. Learning to play them takes a significant investment in time, and you\'ll still find yourself losing after hours of gameplay. Now, Mad Minute Games has introduced Take Command: 2nd Manassas, a war game based in the U.S. Civil War that is almost accessible enough for casual gamers. Well, almost. With excellent A.I. that helps keep unwanted micromanagement to a minimum, Take Command: 2nd Manassas offers a solid middle ground between the hardcore and the casual. If you\'re looking to step into the genre of historical RTS, this might not be a bad place to test the water. Get Sean\'s review here.
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Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath Review
game: Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath
review | 12/31/05 | George Holomshek
An interesting hybrid of real-time and turn-based strategy play, Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath does its best to set itself apart from the masses of other strategy games. Set in a hypothetical alternate history that posits the Cuban Missile Crisis led to catastrophic nuclear war, the game has a lot going for it: Optional missions, nuclear wastelands, several different campaigns based on different superpowers. There is a lot to like here, but can Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath stand out among the faceless masses of hardcore war games? George has the review.
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Call of Duty 2 Review
game: Call of Duty 2
review | 12/17/05 | Matt James
We recently published a review of Call of Duty 2 on every system except Xbox 360. So now we deliver to you our review of Call of Duty 2 for Xbox 360: What\'s different? Everything. Unless you were playing the PC version. The Xbox 360 is as pretty as a high-end PC running the game, so the graphics are amazingly beautiful. Fortunately, CoD2 developers Infinity Ward didn\'t need to add or change anything to make the 360 version a worthy launch title: The game is just that good. Cut through the glut of other WWII FPS titles and head straight for CoD2. Our man, Matt James, says it\'s just that good.
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