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Search for 'Videogame Violence' returned 4 results.

Response and Rebuttal Part 2: A Target for Criticism
editorial | 09/12/06 | Chris Martin
In Part 2 of our two part \"Response and Rebuttal,\" our two debaters, Chris Martin and Garrett G have been going at it over the function of videogame violence studies after Chris\' post \"Videogame Violence Causes Subdued Reactions.\" In the premier part, Garrett had accused Chris of having the wrong target for his criticism. Here\'s how Chris responded...
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Response and Rebuttal Part 1: What We Missed in Videogame Violence Studies
editorial | 09/11/06 | Chris Martin
Sometimes we recieve emails that lead to internal debates. Sometimes, those debates rage out of control; sometimes they become enlightening. After posting \"Videogame Violence Causes Subdued Reactions\" we recieved feedback, some positive, some negative. But there was one response that needed to be shared with the gaming community because its outcome was more enlightening and honest than we had anticipated.
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Internet Expert 'Bullies' Rockstar
game: Bully
news | 08/29/06 | Chris Martin
Jayne Hitchcock, president of Working to Halt Online Abuse an their Kids/Teen Division, has some words about Rockstar\'s upcoming game \"Bully\" for the Playstation 2. Her words are not terribly flattering. In order to allow readers to make their own, unbiased decision regarding video game criticism from outside parties, this press release has not been tampered with in any way.
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Videogame Violence Causes Subdued Reactions
news | 08/21/06 | Chris Martin
With videogames in the spotlight, and movies and television taking a backseat to criticism for a while at least, Professor Nicholas Carnagey of Iowa State University has conducted a study to see if videogame violence desensitises gamers to other forms of violence. Skeptics might be thinking \"of course\"; any kind of violence over prolonged durations will cause the viewer to be desensitised in the end. Well, studies are showing that it\'s much quicker than expected. You might be shocked from the results.
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