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Search for 'Unreal 2.5 Engine' returned 1 results.

Chronicles of Spellborn Preview
game: The Chronicles of Spellborn: What Lies Hidden Must Be Found
preview | 12/22/05 | Shawn Rider
Developed by a Dutch group of designers, The Chronicles of Spellborn uses the Unreal 2.5 Engine to bring a unique fantasy world to life. The Chronicles of Spellborn is an MMORPG with a unique visual style that is quite appealing. The game focuses on skill and intelligent use of force, which puts even lower level players on a good footing for adventure, and player actions shape the world, which even allows players to make a permanent lasting mark on the world. The Chronicles of Spellborn offers loads of secrets to uncover-- fitting the subtitle, \"What lies hidden must be found.\"
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