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Search for 'Tales of Legendia' returned 2 results.

Tales of Legendia Arriving in February
game: Tales of Legendia
preview | 01/30/06 | Amanda Bateman
Namco\'s Tales of Legendia, the newest edition to the Tales series, gives us a whole new spin on the term \'castaway\'. Tales of Legendia combines a classic fantasy roleplaying game with a unique battle system involving fighting game elements. Legendia has now officially \"gone gold,\" which means American gamers will be playing it in no time. Our own Amanda Bateman got the early scoop on Tales of Legendia in this preview.
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Namco Opens Tales of Legendia Website
game: Tales of Legendia
news | 09/15/05 | Aaron Stanton
Namco has cut the ribbon on the teaser website for Tales of Legendia, the latest in the popular Tales series of RPGs. The Tales games have become renowned over the years for their stylized cartoon graphics, their young, well-developed characters, and the games\' real-time battle system. The website has basic information on the story, the characters, and the environments that you can expect to be adventuring through when the game releases come 2006. The last time we saw the Tales series, it was on the Nintendo GameCube in Tales of Symphonia, one of the best RPGs to ever appear on the system. Or on any system. Tales of Legendia will be released in winter of 2006 for the PS2.
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