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Search for 'Stuntman: Ignition' returned 2 results.

Stuntman: Ignition Preview
game: Stuntman: Ignition
preview | 07/23/07 | Chris Martin
One of the under-the-radar games this year, THQ\'s Stuntman: Ignition, has us all excited. Whether it\'s the parody of big-budget action films, the balance of risk and reward, or the allure of string-combos, this game seems to have quite a lot to offer gamers. We took the stuntman\'s job for several hours in the Xbox Live demo of Stuntman: Ignition. We ran through burning buildings, shot down helicopters, and braved a hand-brake-less-reverse-one-eighty, and have big, big smiles to show for it. More inside!
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Blue Dragon, Ace Combat 6, and more!
news | 07/16/07 | Chris Martin
It actually came to Xbox Live last week, but I thought I\'d share it anyway. Both Blue Dragon and Ace Combat 6 have their own demos, but so do 2K Sports\' The BIGS, EA\'s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and THQ\'s Stuntman: Ignition. Quite a bit to keep you busy if you don\'t have enough games already.
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