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Search for 'Spore' returned 2 results.

Spore: He's Got the Whole World in His Game
game: Spore
preview | 05/17/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Will Wright\'s Spore is a hot topic. Due for any platform that will run it at some point in the indeterminate future (you know how these uber-game projects go...), Spore offers, literally, the whole universe in a game. Begin as a jelly little protozoa and work your way through the state of nature, early tribes, civilized urban life, and finally interstellar exploration and mayhem-making. There are a hundred things to love about Spore, and Blaine runs down some of them in this preview.
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Wil Wright's Spore Presentation on Google Video
game: Spore
news | 03/04/06 | Shawn Rider
Wil Wright gave a presentation at last year\'s Game Developer\'s Conference of his new title, Spore. The video of that presenation has been around for some time now, but it was often low quality or hard to find. Now the video has been posted on Google Video, and it is available for viewing in a variety of ways. This is something that shouldn\'t be missed: Spore is set to become one of the defining moments in gaming history. Check out the video here.
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