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Search for 'Rockstar North' returned 3 results.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 07/26/05 | Chris Martin
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has really been getting headlines lately. We hear the Hot Coffee sequence is unlockable on the Xbox version, too, so you can adjust your personal scores accordingly, after you check out our review wherein we discuss everything else about San Andreas on Xbox.
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GTA: San Andreas Contest Winner Announced
Articles Archive | 12/02/04 | Shawn Rider
People really win here at GF! Case in point: Catherine Cole will be, in a matter of hours, whiling away her time rounding up her homies in Los Santos and putting the smackdown on suckas from the beach to the mountains. And no whining because you didn't win. Enter our Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines contest for some PC lovin'.
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
review | 11/11/04 | Eric Qualls
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas lives up to the hype. Evolution, not revolution, is the key word here, but the enhancements made to San Andreas are still more than enough to make this the best GTA game yet.
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