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Search for 'Red Faction 2' returned 2 results.

Red Faction 2 Review
game: Red Faction 2
review | 11/08/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
THQ has scored more than an ordinary hit with Red Faction 2. Building on the original installment of the series, RF2 offers an amazing story of the kind we don\'t often see in videogames. Sure, the Geo Mod technology is still there, and still fun as hell, but this one is about telling a good tale, and we commend its success.
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Red Faction 2 Preview (PS2)
game: Red Faction 2
preview | 06/06/02 | Jeremy Kauffman
THQ\'s Red Faction brought the incredible Geo-Mod technology to gamers, and the sequel, Red Faction 2 packs even more of a punch than its predecessor. Maintaining a focus on the single-player story mode, RF2 also promises much beefier multiplayer and squad-based combat. This is definitely a title to watch for. Click here.
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