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Search for 'RTX Red Rock' returned 3 results.

RTX Red Rock
game: RTX Red Rock
review | 08/12/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
LucasArts scores once again in the story and cinema department with RTX Red Rock. This satire of sci-fi space action games is definitely entertaining, and RTX features various gadgetry, robots, and cool multiple vision modes to make your sci-fi hero dreams come true. Click here for the whole review.
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RTX Red Rock Review
game: RTX Red Rock
review | 08/10/03 | Monica Hafer
LucasArts scores once again in the story and cinema department with RTX Red Rock. This satire of sci-fi space action games is definitely entertaining, and RTX features various gadgetry, robots, and cool multiple vision modes to make your sci-fi hero dreams come true.
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RTX Red Rock Preview (GC, PC)
game: RTX Red Rock
preview | 06/01/02 | Jason Frank
In a move away from the Star Wars franchise, LucasArts is working on RTX Red Rock, a cool action-adventure title that offers up loads of combat plus a whole bunch of strategic problem-solving. A wide array of tools and gadgets is at your disposal. Now go save the world. Click here for more.
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