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Search for 'Project Entropia' returned 2 results.

Entropia Universe: The Blurring of Reality and Fantasy
game: Entropia Universe
editorial | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
There\'s quiet a bit of talk these days about the new wave of online gaming. One of the most publicized is the notion of real-life economies where a person can make a living doing what they love most--gaming! But often times these games aren\'t really judged as a gaming experience and only get press for their entrepreneurial events. In an attempt to penetrate the \"real-deal\" of Entropia Universe, it is necessary to make the investment of time to discover its complexity and uniqueness.
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Interview with Marco Behrman, CIO of MindArk
game: Entropia Universe
interview | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
Alt-Reality games are so hot right now. Seriously. CIO of MindArk, developer of the Alt-reality game Entropia Universe took the time to talk to our own Monica Hafer and discuss what it takes to maintain and balance an alternate reality game and an alternate reality game economy.
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