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Search for 'Nautilus' returned 3 results.

Shadow Hearts: From the New World Review
game: Shadow Hearts: From The New World
review | 04/07/06 | Amanda Bateman
What do ninjas, talking cats, vampires, the mafia, shapeshifters, aliens, guitar players, monsters, and a sixteen year-old boy all have in common? A lot if we\'re talking about Shadow Hearts\' latest sequel. XSEED\'s Shadow Hearts: From the New World is both like and not like your usual run-of-the-mill RPG. We got Amanda to check it out, and she handed us this review. Check it out.
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Shadow Hearts 3: A Whole New World...Sort Of
game: Shadow Hearts 3: From The New World
preview | 01/20/06 | Amanda Bateman
The Shadow Hearts RPG series returns with its third installment, From The New World. Join Johnny Garland and his crew as they set out to solve the mystery of his family and past, all while mastering skills and battling monsters. All of this takes place in a funky anime version of New York in the 1920s, giving it total niche cred. This one is sure to become a cult fave and maintains the quality of the Shadow Hearts series. Check out Amanda\'s preview here.
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Shadow Hearts: Covenant
game: Shadow Hearts: Covenant
review | 11/09/04 | Eric Qualls
With no major SquareEnix releases this holiday season for PS2, RPG gamers are free to open their arms and embrace the rest of the genre. Midway's Shadow Hearts: Covenant fills the void between Final Fantasies quite nicely and might make you forget all about spikey haired heroes or heroines in short shorts. Read all about it here.
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