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Search for 'NBA Live 06' returned 2 results.

NBA 2K6 Review
game: NBA 2K6
review | 12/30/05 | Chris Martin
In the battle of Xbox 360 launch titles, two contenders went head-to-head on the hardwood: NBA Live 06 and NBA 2K6. Chris Martin already reported on NBA Live\'s disappointing performance, but left us dangling on NBA 2K6\'s courtside prowess. So how does the 2K Sports title fare against behemoth EA\'s basketball baby? Rather well. Featuring a lot more material than NBA Live, and prettier graphics, NBA 2K6 is the basketball title to pick up. Check the review for the details.
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NBA Live 06 Review
game: NBA Live 06
review | 12/09/05 | Chris Martin
Are graphics all they\'re cracked up to be? Has the NBA Live franchise regained its prestige? And what happened to franchise mode? There are two basketball titles to make it to the Xbox 360 launch: NBA 2K6 and NBA Live 06. One is good, the other, not so good. Woe is you that picks up the wrong title, because while one is a blast, the other will have you throwing your controller in frustration. Is NBA 2K6 the good one, or the bad one? Read on to find out if EA Canada\'s port of Live 06 is worth your money.
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