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Search for 'Meridian4' returned 5 results.

Shadowgrounds Review
game: Shadowgrounds
review | 05/04/06 | George Holomshek
Shadowgrounds is an independently developed European title that comes to North America thanks to Meridian 4, who has also recently announced that Shadowgrounds will be carried on Valve\'s popular Steam service. Featuring frantic top-down shooter action with excellent lighting and plenty of weapons upgrades, Shadowgrounds isn\'t a complicated game, it\'s just fun. Check out George\'s review for the full story.
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Shadowgrounds Comes to Steam
game: Shadowgrounds
news | 04/25/06 | Shawn Rider
Meridian4 sends word of another great announcement regarding Valve\'s Steam service: Shadowgrounds will be carried on the Steam service beginning in May. Steam users will be able to purchase and download the game via their Steam client, and Meridian4 hopes this will expose Shadow Grounds to a whole new audience. The announcement also bolsters Steam\'s position as a major hitmaker, having already picked up several hugely popular indy creations including Darwinia and Garry\'s Mod.
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Daemonica Review
game: Daemonica
review | 04/11/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Meridian 4 has brought us another indy European import that might not be quite up to next-gen graphical standards, but features a great story full of horrific twists. Daemonica is a compelling RPG set in a 14th Century European town having a little trouble keeping the life and the afterlife completely separate. (We have the same problem with Oblivion.) The action is light, but the price is right, and the narrative was enough to impress our guy, Blaine. Check out his review here.
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Shadowgrounds Preview
game: Shadowgrounds
preview | 03/03/06 | George Holomshek
Meridian 4 is bringing the European indy title Shadowgrounds to the US, and it\'s just the thing for folks looking for that classic feeling mixed with a little contemporary mayhem. Shadowgrounds is budget-priced and independently developed, but this isn\'t just another top-down shooter, and there\'s nothing \"low-tech\" about it. Featuring amazing lighting effects, hoards of enemies bent on carnage, and just perfect audio, Shadowgrounds is a creepy, tense, immersive experience. Check in with George\'s preview for more.
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Meridian4 Announces Shadowgrounds
game: Shadowgrounds
news | 01/19/06 | Shawn Rider
Meridian4 has been having a good new year. They\'ve been picking up games left and right, and the titles just keep looking better and better. These are the kinds of games that I\'d love to see downloadable via Xbox Live, and that you can download and have a great time with on your laptop. That\'s not to say that they\'re low-fi, but they\'re not exactly cutting edge, either. Which can be fun. Their latest announcement is about Shadowgrounds, a sci-fi action title that offers a fresh take on old-school 3rd person shooters. It looks like Ikari Warriors meets Aliens.
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