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Search for 'Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne' returned 2 results.

Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
game: Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
review | 12/07/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Console gamers had to exercise a little patience when PC gamers were the first to get their hands on Max Payne 2, but the wait is over. Max is back, and this time he has company to liven things up a bit. Max is wasting bad guys and dodging bullets better than ever via the bullet time ballet, but the high point here is the superbly crafted narrative. Gamesfirst! editor Shawn Rider delves the depths of Max Payne 2, and the story begins right here.
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Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
game: Max Payne II: The Fall of Max Payne
review | 11/01/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Want to make a legend? Here's the recipe: Take your usual action videogame, add a half pound of cool, two cups of kick ass, and a teaspoon of uber style. It worked last time, and Rockstar's latest, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne: A Film Noir Love Story, improves on the origional title in almost every aspect. Click here John Woo style for the whole story.
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