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Search for 'Massively Multiplayer' returned 9 results.

Entropia Universe: The Blurring of Reality and Fantasy
game: Entropia Universe
editorial | 05/15/07 | Monica Hafer
There\'s quiet a bit of talk these days about the new wave of online gaming. One of the most publicized is the notion of real-life economies where a person can make a living doing what they love most--gaming! But often times these games aren\'t really judged as a gaming experience and only get press for their entrepreneurial events. In an attempt to penetrate the \"real-deal\" of Entropia Universe, it is necessary to make the investment of time to discover its complexity and uniqueness.
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Guild Wars Nightfall Trailer Revealed
game: Guild Wars Nightfall
news | 08/15/06 | Chris Martin
This trailer features footage of the two new professions, the scythe-wielding Dervish and the holy warrior Paragon, as well as glimpses of breathtaking cities, lush landscapes and some new creatures. Cool stuff from the upcoming third campaign of NCSoft\'s massively multiplayer online game sans monthly fees.

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Matrix Online
game: Matrix Online
review | 04/25/05 |
The Matrix Online is based on a series of movies that are renowned for their fast-paced and choreographed fight scenes. Can a massively multiplayer title possibly hope to convey that same intensity? Can a franchise so dependent on the style of its combat make a good showing in a game that pulls the real-time action in favor of a turn-based system? Find out what our man Larson has to say after experiencing TMO in the weeks before and after its launch.
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Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft
game: Iritor Online
interview | 03/10/03 | Aaron Stanton
Wootsoft has a new idea: How about a massively multiplayer online RPG that combines various action elements and, most importantly, looks really, really pretty? Iritor Online promises to deliver stunning visuals and compelling gameplay. To find out more, our man Aaron spoke to Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft. Click for interview.
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INTERVIEW: Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft
interview | 02/08/03 | Aaron Stanton
Wootsoft has a new idea: How about a massively multiplayer online RPG that combines various action elements and, most importantly, looks really, really pretty? Iritor Online promises to deliver stunning visuals and compelling gameplay. To find out more, our man Aaron spoke to Roman Kremlicka, VP of Wootsoft. Click for interview.
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INTERVIEW - Niel Wiser, President & Founder of UltraPrime Network
Articles Archive | 01/19/03 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
The Evolvers: A well selected name for what could constitute an entirely new perspective on massively multiplayer gaming. For years there have been videogames that have attempted to mimic the look and feel of Hollywood: vampire slayers, star trekkers, bounty hunters “ slews of voice actors trying to mimic other people in the name of a good videogame. It's amazing how rarely they succeed. Similarly, there are times when storylines built with the controls of a console or played out on the screen of the PC are used to produce a feature film. Resident Evil. Final Fantasy.
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Asheron's Call 2: Fallen Kings
game: Asheron's Call 2: Fallen Kings
review | 12/20/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Microsoft Games and Turbine have created a thoroughly worthy sequel to their original MMORPG. Asheron\'s Call 2: Fallen Kings is beautiful and amazing to play. It is a sign of what is to come in the realm of massively multiplayer online role playing. Click here for more.
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INTERVIEW - Richard Garriot, MMO Visonary, Part 2 of 2
Articles Archive | 07/17/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Richard Garriott. Lord British. I remember reading those names when Ultima Online was first announced, about the time when massively multiplayer games first began to come into realization. The names, both describing the same person, are synonymous with boundary-pressing game design and personal adventure. Professionally he's the founder of Origin Systems, the creator of the Ultima series, the power behind one of the first games to pioneer the concept of massively multiplayer. Having become involved with NC Soft and the incredibly popular Lineage, he's still making waves in the world of online role-playing. In person he's a charismatic fellow in blue jeans who just happens to have a lot of experience turning dreamy fantasies into working reality. I got a chance to speak with Garriot at E3 2002.
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INTERVIEW - Richard Garriot, MMO VIsionary - Page 1 of 2
Articles Archive | 07/17/02 | GF! Back Catalogue 10/2004 => 1995
Richard Garriott. Lord British. I remember reading those names when Ultima Online was first announced, about the time when massively multiplayer games first began to come into realization. The names, both describing the same person, are synonymous with boundary-pressing game design and personal adventure. Professionally he's the founder of Origin Systems, the creator of the Ultima series, the power behind one of the first games to pioneer the concept of massively multiplayer. Having become involved with NC Soft and the incredibly popular Lineage, he's still making waves in the world of online role-playing. In person he's a charismatic fellow in blue jeans who just happens to have a lot of experience turning dreamy fantasies into working reality. I got a chance to speak with Garriot at E3 2002.
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