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Search for 'FromSoftware' returned 2 results.

Armored Core: Formula Front Review
game: Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle
review | 01/10/06 | Matt James
Armored Core is a tricky series: Gamers typically love it or hate it. Stat-hounds and customization freaks really dig the hardcore gearhead approach to battle bots, while the rest of us stick to more action-oriented titles for our big mech enjoyment. Nonetheless, the first Armored Core game is out for the PSP. Armored Core: Formula Front-- Extreme Battle is a fan-targeted title, geared towards current fans of the Armored Core series and fairly inaccessible for newcomers. Matt James has the rundown.
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game: Kuon
review | 02/12/05 | Laurie Taylor
Kuon on the PS2 seems like a minor release when compared to the new Resident Evil 4, but then perhaps that's part of its appeal. As an import title that you might have a hard time finding at your local rental outlet, Kuon offers rich import flavors, gameplay, and traditional survival horror control schemes. Does it have a place on your shelf? Read the review to find out.
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