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Search for 'Free Radical' returned 3 results.

The Ongoing Conflict: Ubisoft's Haze
game: Haze
preview | 05/19/06 | Blaine Krumpe
Ubisoft brings us another military-themed First Person Shooter, Haze, which there obviously aren\'t nearly enoug of these days... But Haze feels a bit different, too. Charged with some serious political satire, Haze gets you all tied up with Mantel Global\'s corporate mercenaries in the ongoing war for democracy. Expect plenty of drugged-up supersoldiers and some tricky ethical decisions, two things we\'d like to see a lot more of in the FPS genre. Get Blaine\'s full preview here.
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Is TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Really Perfect?
game: Is TimeSplitters: Future Perfect Really Perfect?
review | 04/20/05 | Steffan Del Piano
With the word "perfect" in the game's title EA is aiming high. Does the latest TimeSplitters game hit its mark or miss miserably?
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Second Sight
game: Second Sight
review | 02/23/05 | Chris Martin
It seems like a fundamental rule of thumb in video games: coma = amnesia and psychic powers. Few games execute the mystery and atmosphere of such creepy going-ons, though, as well as Free Radical's budget title Second Sight. It's atmospheric and story driven, and worth your money if you're looking for a game that will keep your interest. Read the full review to find out the details.
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